The Flash's Farewell Run: Your Top 6 Wishes for the Final Season
By Matt Webb Mitovich / August 21
The Flash‘s farewell “run, Barry, run!” isn’t arriving until midseason (early 2023), but fans of the first Arrowverse spinoff have a very good idea of what they want from Season 9.
As has been well-documented here on these pages, The Flash‘s showrunner and cast very much though that last season would be the speedster series’ swan song, ergo the wrap-up of Arrow hero John Diggle’s green-ish lantern-y journey, the kinda-sorta-return of Caitlin’s dead fiancé Ronnie, and a rousing, season-ending showdown between The Flash and the improbably resurrected Eobard Thawne’s supercharged Negative Reverse-Flash.
And yet there is still a thing or two (or six, based on the tallying of comments on a recent, casual reader poll) that The Flash could try to pull off, during its final, 13-episode run.
Review TVLine readers’ Top 6 wishes below, and sound off if you haven’t yet on what return or plot development tops your “must” list!
You can check out what is said about each want in the article but here # 3.

A reunion with Kara Danvers (played by Melissa Benoist) would be, in a word, super, for many who loved that duo’s dynamic. “They had such a great, friendly chemistry,” TVLine reader Liz observed. Added Ingmar, “my biggest wish for the final season of The Flash would be a guest spot for Kara (Supergirl) to wrap up their friendship” — which of course was worthy of a crossover song, embedded above.
The final 2 are....
Again,check out the article for the blurb on these.
A Kara & Barry reunion is probably my biggest want related to the larger Arrowverse.I'm more interested in that then a Clark & Barry meeting.since Kara & Barry are close friends and have way more history than Clark & Barry.While on paper a Flash & Superman team up is big,they are more work acquaintances where Flash & Supergirl have a closer relationship.Again,their friends.Plus with Superman,we don't even know which version of Superman it would be.Earth Prime Superman or doppelganger Superman from S & L Earth who Barry hasn't met?.I'll never say no to any team up/meet up with any of these heroes but for the final season of The Flash and more or less,the end of the Arrowverse. one final meet up between Kara & Barry is at the top of my list since this is probably our last shot at it.
For the record,my biggest want relating to The Flash that is series specific is getting Carlos Valdes,who left the show in season 7,back as Cisco for the series finale of The Flash.To me,this would be equivalent to Calista Flockhart's return as Cat in Supergirl's series finale.
An honorable mention for me is getting Wally back for a episode.Keiynan Lonsdale allmost returned this past season but scheduling was an issue.
Keep in mind,there is only going to be 13 episodes for Flash's final season so the show runners have limited real estate to work with .Plus Melissa will be filming,"The Girl On The Bus" which may prevent a guest appearance.Still,It is cool that a Kara & Barry reunion made this list though.