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Nicole Maines to Bring ‘Supergirl’s Dreamer to ‘The Flash’ Final Season

Damian Holbrook[*]

Well, this is a dream come true.

TV Insider has exclusively learned that Supergirl‘s Nicole Maines (a TV Guide Magazine Fan Favorite!) is set to reprise her role as Nia Nal, aka Dreamer, during The Flash‘s upcoming ninth and final season.

“As Supergirl fans ourselves, all of us here on The Flash are SUPER-excited to have Nicole join Team Flash for a one-off adventure as we put together our final season,” says showrunner Eric Wallace.

“Nicole is a fantastically talented actress and I’m so happy she’s agreed to be part of a very special Season 9 episode where I get to cross off one of my “Arrowverse Bucket List” team-ups: Having two fantastic reporters — Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton) and Nia Nal — investigate their own very bizarre and frightening mystery.”

Maines — who is currently starring on Hulu’s Darby and the Dead — made history in 2018 when she joined Supergirl‘s fourth season as TV’s first-ever trans superhero. Her Nia Nal was originally introduced as a young reporter working for Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) and over time, it was revealed that she was actually an alien with pre-cog abilities to “dream” the future.

Before that, Maines was already a tireless advocate for LGBTQ+ youth on- and off-screen, and has since been nominated for a GLAAD Media Award and was a Variety “Power of Young Hollywood” and “Power of Pride” honoree. She has also been recognized by the HRC for her activism, co-authored her New York Times best-selling biography, Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family with Amy Ellis Nutt, and continues to be a tireless champion for trans rights.

Sounds like the perfect warrior to work side-by-side with our Iris, huh?

The Flash, Final Season Premiere, Wednesday, February 8, 8/7c, The CW
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Promo stills for The Flash 9x07 guest starring Nicole Maines.
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Promo for Nicole Maines guest appearance on The Flash which airs in two weeks.

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The Flash Season 9: Nicole Maines Previews Nia Nal/Dreamer Return

Set to return in The CW's The Flash S09E07 "Wildest Dreams," Nicole Maines previews her return to the Arrowverse as Nia Nal, aka Dreamer.

Published Tue, 14 Mar 2023 13:05:12 -0500 by Ray Flook|

Viewers Can Expect More Nia, Less Dreamer in "Wildest Dreams": "When she's coming back, she's coming back as Nia, less Dreamer. It's not crime fighting. It's not, 'Let's go out in the super suits and let's kick some butt.' This is Iris and Dreamer trapped in a vision, trying to put the pieces together, and racing against the clock. The focus on Iris and Nia's friendship was really great because I love Candice so much, and so her and I getting to run around together in the dream realm was a blast. Getting to lean into the comedy where we could and lean into the terror where we could was really fun."
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The Flash Season 9 Ep. 7 Overview: Nicole Maines Returns As Dreamer

Nicole Maines' Nia Nal/Dreamer is in need of Iris' (Candice Patton) help in the official overview for The Flash S09E07 "Wildest Dreams.

Published Fri, 10 Mar 2023 08:39:11 -0600 by Ray Flook

Looking ahead to the March 29th episode of The CW's Grant Gustin, Candice Patton & Danielle Panabaker-starring The Flash, the ninth & final season's run of returning "Arrowverse" stars continues. In the following episode overview for S09E07 "Wildest Dreams" (written by Kristen Kim & Jeff Hersh Carson), guest star Nicole Maines reprises her Supergirl role as Nia Nal, aka Dreamer, checking in with Team Flash, in need of Iris' (Patton) help. But when the two end up trapped in a fever dream, Iris & Nia are confronted with a number of "What If…?" scenarios involving where their lives could've gone.
  1. more than a month ago
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From Nicole Maines's Instagram.
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If ever there was a time for The Flash to Jump the Shark...the final season is the appropriate time! Is it any wonder the CW is scrapping these superhero shows (sadly including the great Stargirl and Superman and Lois) thanks to new owner Nexstar? The CW has gone woke since its start 15 years ago and has gone broke from the jump.

RANT (my final one here): In other words, I was never a fan of Dreamer or Nicole Maines due to the leftist globalist UN-backed activism propagated by Maines.

Where was Nicole when the protests against Iran's extremist oppressive regime (which kills gays and perhaps people like Nicole) began after the death of a woman who refused to wear her hijab? Or against the Chinese Communist Party (same as the Mullahs in Iran) after more Covid lockdowns in a part of China led to a fiery death for people in an apartment?

(By the way, yes, I got hit by it, but a milder variant...I am over it after five long days.)

Oh, that's right, Nicole is in Hollywood which cares not for humanity, Flyover Country or even good stories, as long as there is projection available...and I do not mean IMax or HD.

I wish the CW would just end and bring me back in NYC the independent days of WPIX as 11 Alive (or PIX 11 Alive). I mean next year WPIX turns 75. [/RANT]
  1. more than a month ago
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The Superfriends got a major shout out tonight in the conclusion of the first graphic novel of the Flash's final season centered on Red Death and featuring the return of Javicia Leslie playing both Red Death and Batwoman.Both Kara and Cat Grant wer mentioned in the season premiere but tonight the female superfriends got a major shout out.

After defeating Red Death,the Earth Prime Ryan/Batwoman is wrapping up with Team Flash.She tells iris that she, Kara, Alex and Nia meet in Gotham once a month for brunch and invites Iris to join them sometime for mimosas.

Go to the 0:40 mark to see.

I just think that Kara,Alex,Nia and Ryan hanging out every month is so cool and Iris has been invited to join them.Wonder if we get a callback to that in the upcoming Dreamer episode which is Iris & Nia centric.

Javicia Leslie interviews are doing the rounds and she talks a bit sbout the Superfriend's brunch each month.

From EW

What did you think of the line where Ryan reveals she has monthly brunches in Gotham with Kara, Alex, Nia, and now Iris?

Oh yeah, I think that is so cool. That's always a great way to keep the Arrowverse flowing, knowing that they're all connected even when the cameras aren't rolling.

From TV Insider

But it was another line that really had us cheering, one that assured fans that all was well with at least a few of the female fighters of the Arrowverse: As Ryan bid Central City adieu, she admitted to being an Iris (Candice Patton) stan — can’t blame her — and urged her to visit Gotham for a hang with the Supergirl gang. “We can get a Mimosa…Kara, Alex, Nia and I, we all have a monthly brunch.”

Loving. THIS. And we love Leslie, who ate up the scenery as Bad-gal RyRy, so of course we had to check in with her about her time on The Flash and whether this is the last time we’ll see her in that Batsuit.

I have to say, that last line about the monthly brunch…died! It put the biggest smile on my face and to see Iris invited into that circle? Perfect.

Exactly. I love it too. Yeah. When [I read that], I was like, “Oh, this is epic.”
  1. more than a month ago
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Tomorrow night is the season 9 premiere of The Flash.The final season premiere.It seems we will be getting some updates on Supergirl character's in the premiere.

Beyond Dreamer coming this season, there are some references to some Supergirl characters in the season premiere. Can you talk about those?

When you hear us addressing folks off camera that way, those are folks who we’d love to get on the show, but unfortunately couldn’t. But it’s very important for us as an Arrowverse show to say to the audience “hey, these characters are still alive and out there, and doing just fine.” So. you’ll hear us name drop other Arrowverse characters throughout the season, just very matter of fact.

I even think we name drop the Hall of Justice at some point. Things are all happening off camera, even if we don’t see them. They’re part of the Arrowverse world. The Arrowverse is still alive. This is just the end of The Flash this season.
  1. more than a month ago
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Both Kara and Cat Grant are mentioned in tonight's season premiere of The Flash.Cat Grant offers to fund The Central City Citizen with a blank Iris can expand her paper. She ultimately turns down the offer in order to grow her business in her own way. This ties into the main conflict of the episode of Barry having mapped out their future and Iris not wanting everything in her life being pre-ordained.

The Flash podcast just did a great interview with Eric Wallace.

The video is full of spoilers for the new final season of The Flash and tonight's just aired premiere.There is a section in the interview starting at around the 25 minute mark where Andy does like a lightning round of any other unannounced guest stars for this last season of The Flash and the chances of seeing them.For Supergirl,he says,'talk to me in six month','hope springs eternal. Some other characters,Wallace gives a firm no to,some he gives a firm yes to.Supergirl sounds like he's still trying to make happen but not a no or probably not.So sounds like Melissa is still a maybe.For example he says probably not to any of the Legends and Superman .and Lois are complicated.

Melissa appearing is probably unlikely but it's nice that it sounds like Eric Wallace is still trying to make that happen(he's writing the series finale right now and The Flash still has several weeks of filming.I think they wrap in mid March. I also know filming has a break coming up soon too) and doesn't sound like a done deal no unlike with some other characters.

Either way ,I appreciated the Kara shoutout and Cat Grant mentions tonight in the premiere .I wouldn't be surprised if Kara/Supergirl gets another mention when Dreamer appears later this season.
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The Flash
From National City to Central City.
is taking over today! #TheFlash
  1. more than a month ago
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Preview clip ror tonights Flash episode along with Grant Gusten interview.The preview clip reveals Kara,J'onn and Brainy are all currently off world during this episode.

  1. more than a month ago
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Nicole Maines Talks Her Dreamy Visit to ‘The Flash’ & New ‘Yellowjackets’ Gig

Nia's Visit to The Flash Brings Update on Supergirl and Other Superfriends

By Matt Webb Mitovich / March 29 2023,

As The Flash hit the midpoint of its final season, a visit from Nia Nal aka Dreamer brought much drama, but also some updates on Supergirl and a few of her superfriends.

For starters — and as set up during Ryan Wilder aka Batwoman’s recent visit to Central City — Nia (played by Supergirl‘s Nicole Maines) showing up unannounced to see Iris at Central City Citizen Media wasn’t entirely random. Because apparently, Iris took Ryan up on her offer and recently — albeit off-screen, grrr — joined Ryan, Nia, Kara Danvers/Supergirl and her sister Alex/Sentinel for mimosa brunch.

Nia and Iris were soon pulled into some mysterious dream realm, leaving their bodies unconscious at the Citizen and then at STAR Labs (which really needs some proper medical personnel after Caitlin’s death). And while Barry would have welcomed a helping hand from any of Nia’s friends, especially those familiar with her Dreamer powers, that was easier said than done.

To recap: When last we tuned into Supergirl, Kara via an exclusive Cat Grant interview had been revealed to the world as Supergirl… J’onn J’onzz was heading up a reconstituted DEO (now named the Department of Extranormal Operations)… and Brainy (Brainiac 5) opted not to return to the future but instead stay put in there here and now, to be with Nia.

Alas, when Barry thought to reach out to any of the above, Chester reported that they were all “off world” at the moment and unable to lend a hand — which was of course convenient, though especially odd to not have Brainy of all people get involved/concerned. Bar then sped off to check in with the Justice League at large, but… that did not pan out either, grrr.

On the bright side? Once this crisis (actually a test of sorts for Nia, conducted by the OG Dreamer) was resolved, it was made clear that Nia and Iris will continue to have regular brunch dates with Ryan, Kara and Alex.

Provided no one has to go “off world,” I suppose!

What did you think of Nia Nal’s visit to The Flash?
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The website Bounding into Comics...HAS JUST ENTERED THE CHAT!

For the record, I did not tune in to the show and I am among many dealing with superhero burnout.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 13
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The website Bounding into Comics...HAS JUST ENTERED THE CHAT!

For the record, I did not tune in to the show and I am among many dealing with superhero burnout.

This is a horrible, vile, hateful, and transphobic opinion article. Admins if you’re still monitoring the site please delete it.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
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The Arrowverse has finished.At least the Earth prime/mainline shows.Superman & Lois's fate is still to be determined as is Gotham Knights
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