Supergirl Last Flew:
  1. niceguy34
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Wednesday, 02 May 2018
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
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First, that will not happen. 23 episodes, next year, will get Supergirl to 88 episodes, which is the "syndication" number. Basically means possible syndication deals, and much more profitable streaming deals. Getting shows to reach that number is the reason The CW exists.

Beyond that, I don't think the 23 episode season is an issue. Instead, I think Supergirl (and the rest of the DC CW shows) should follow the pattern Agents of SHIELD has had for the past couple of years.

They do two complete arcs, throughout each season, that feel like season's in and of themselves.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
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far enough

1. IT would force the show to be more creative in writing and in storying telling.
2. That story arch would more thought out.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
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Not necessarily.

A full 22 or 23 episode season is doable if they have a stable and consistent writing staff who have a solid grip on the material and lore to work from. The problem with the current format is that the writers don't seem to be able to settle on one particular style (either due to PTB directives or huge gaps in consistent storytelling / mishandling of existing SG lore).

If there was one or two key head writers overseeing the process, the show would have more of a consistent tone, look, feel and style. As it stands, there are a lot of writers for the show with differing styles and takes on the characters and it is creating an imbalance between characters (e.g. SG/Kara is very well developed story-wise, but James' character is left to dry, Alex has an interesting storyline and character arc, while Winn is used sparingly and not to his full potential).

Never mind primary, secondary or tertiary characters or their development, the scripting and flow have to correspond to the overall feel of the lore of the comics without straying too far into left field and diluting the final product.

Personally, my ideal would be to see a Supergirl movie be made/re-made (a trilogy at best) removed from the current Justice League / Man Of Steel formula that explores her origins in depth, her life on Earth - trials and triumphs - as she matures, and finally her ascension to the superhero she is destined to become.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
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I will never understand this argument. They basically have 32 monday nights to fill with content. if SG is reduced to say 13 episodes. that leaves them 19 mondays to still fill. what do you fill it with? more shows? well new shows have a pre-production cost built in, build sets, taxes, crew, writers, marketing etc.

the answer to your question is money, SG makes them a bunch of money, less episodes doesnt help them make more money. sure they could get a new show that makes more, but so far their hit/miss rate on that is pretty bad.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
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I think one of the major problems for the writers of Supergirl, is the same thing that is plaguing all of the CW comic genre shows....there are too many secondary and tertiary characters. LoT has that storytelling built into its format, Flash, Green Arrow and Supergirl do not. All of them are losing the comic book fans in droves.....each show needs to get back to its roots and that is the MAIN CHARACTER the MAIN SUPERHERO and write storylines that are built AROUND THAT CHARACTER, not story lines built around this couple or that couple, this secondary, tertiary character or that character outside of the MAIN CHARACTER. Has nothing to do with how many episodes are slated for that season, it has to do with knowing the source material, knowing your main character, and at the least keeping them at the base of those 2 things. You want your comic book tv series to continue? write with the heart of the comics, and that character in mind and as the cornerstone of your series....
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
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I think one of the major problems for the writers of Supergirl, is the same thing that is plaguing all of the CW comic genre shows....there are too many secondary and tertiary characters. LoT has that storytelling built into its format, Flash, Green Arrow and Supergirl do not. All of them are losing the comic book fans in droves.....each show needs to get back to its roots and that is the MAIN CHARACTER the MAIN SUPERHERO and write storylines that are built AROUND THAT CHARACTER, not story lines built around this couple or that couple, this secondary, tertiary character or that character outside of the MAIN CHARACTER. Has nothing to do with how many episodes are slated for that season, it has to do with knowing the source material, knowing your main character, and at the least keeping the at the base those 2 things. You want your comic book tv series to write with the heart of the comics, and that character in mind and as the cornerstone of your series.

Couldn't agree more.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 7
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Thinking that going from a 23 episode season to a 13 episode season because the writing isn't strong enough to support 23 episodes will make for a better season is like saying that a baseball team with a weak line-up will do better if they only play half of a season. If a team is only winning 50% of their games at 23 episodes, unless the line-up is strengthened, they will still only be winning 50% of the 13 episodes. The big difference though - is that we will have fewer overall wins in that scenario than the one with 23.

I think one of the major problems for the writers of Supergirl, is the same thing that is plaguing all of the CW comic genre shows....there are too many secondary and tertiary characters. LoT has that storytelling built into its format, Flash, Green Arrow and Supergirl do not. All of them are losing the comic book fans in droves.....each show needs to get back to its roots and that is the MAIN CHARACTER the MAIN SUPERHERO and write storylines that are built AROUND THAT CHARACTER, not story lines built around this couple or that couple, this secondary, tertiary character or that character outside of the MAIN CHARACTER
Completely agree. But, it's not just the comic book fans that they are losing. There are also fans who are not comic book or single-issue viewers that are being lost. A sign of a long-lasting show is not just getting the fans that you know will watch because it's right up their genre or because of a gimmick of some type but, also getting those that want to watch because the concept and the writing on a whole are compelling enough to draw them in.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 8
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Thinking that going from a 23 episode season to a 13 episode season because the writing isn't strong enough to support 23 episodes will make for a better season is like saying that a baseball team with a weak line-up will do better if they only play half of a season. If a team is only winning 50% of their games at 23 episodes, unless the line-up is strengthened, they will still only be winning 50% of the 13 episodes. The big difference though - is that we will have fewer overall wins in that scenario than the one with 23.

I think one of the major problems for the writers of Supergirl, is the same thing that is plaguing all of the CW comic genre shows....there are too many secondary and tertiary characters. LoT has that storytelling built into its format, Flash, Green Arrow and Supergirl do not. All of them are losing the comic book fans in droves.....each show needs to get back to its roots and that is the MAIN CHARACTER the MAIN SUPERHERO and write storylines that are built AROUND THAT CHARACTER, not story lines built around this couple or that couple, this secondary, tertiary character or that character outside of the MAIN CHARACTER
Completely agree. But, it's not just the comic book fans that they are losing. There are also fans who are not comic book or single-issue viewers that are being lost. A sign of a long-lasting show is not just getting the fans that you know will watch because it's right up their genre or because of a gimmick of some type but, also getting those that want to watch because the concept and the writing on a whole are compelling enough to draw them in.

If you know the source material, you write episodes that embrace the character the comic book has already developed, the stories will be compelling enough to bring in everyone, just ask Marvel/Disney's last at $1.5 billion at the box office.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 9
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