1) "How many Earths?":
The 'Crisis' five-part saga started (on "Supergirl"

Indeed, even as he concluded his description, we even saw scenes from several other Earths: Earths 2, 9, 12, 19, and 21 were all named, and even Earth-96, where we saw Brandon Routh's Superman-96 flying above that Earth (in a direct recreation of that famous scene from the Superman movies from years ago), and his "S" symbol had even been modified with the black background of his earlier suit being replaced by a new yellow background.
The new multiverse might have been smaller than the previous one, but it seemed pretty clear that there was a new multiverse, rather than a single only-one universe.
However, in episodes of both "Supergirl" and "The Flash" since then, we have seen several suggestions that "Earth Prime" is now the only Earth that there is anymore.
So what happened to the other Earths that Oliver talked about, and that we clearly saw at the end of the Crisis? And if this is the only Earth that is left now, then why isn't is just simply called "Earth", instead of "Earth Prime", which usually indicates that it would be the first, with more than one other Earth somewhere else?
On top of that, at least one recent comment on this forum about the new "Stargirl" TV show has suggested that she is on "Earth 2" rather than "Earth-Prime" and can't do cross-overs with 'Supergirl' or the other shows because of that.
Does anyone else have any explanation for why Oliver talked about, and we saw for ourselves, multiple other Earths in this new multiverse, or how 'Stargirl' can be on 'Earth-2', or how we can be 'Earth Prime' if there are no other Earths; and yet no one, including Cisco Ramon, can find any other Earths?
2) "Nura Nal":
Nia Nal's 'great, great, great, great, many-greats, grandmother' (quoting Winn) Nura Nal clearly inherited Nia's dream powers in the future. But how can this be?
Nia is a trans-woman and, as such, doesn't have a birth-woman's reproductive system; thus, the only children that she will ever have is by adoption. And if a Naltorian woman's dream powers can be passed down from mother to daughter only through genetic reproduction, then how can Nia pass her own dream powers on to any daughters that she may adopt?
Maybe I've missed something here, and if so, then could someone explain this one to me?
Thanks for any contributions on either of these topics.