Supergirl Last Flew:
  1. Quint
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. Tuesday, 23 February 2021
I am so sorry to hear season 6 is the final season. I would like to know why? Is it ratings? Is it getting too expensive to pay for talent? I hate when a show I love ends.
Also, this new girl chosen to be Supergirl for the Flash movie. Was Melissa offered it and turned it down? Was she just not offered it?
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Hello Quint, first and foremost welcome. I hope you join us for the final season.

We will never know the exact reason Supergirl is ending. Most likely it’s not a single reason but a combination of things. It is sad and if you just found out take time to process it. I know I wasn’t expecting it, I was expecting season seven to be the last. Usually lead actor contracts are seven years but we”ll never know if that was the case with Melissa, it’s very possible renegotiation happen when the show switched networks and locations. I never expected her to sign a new contract once her initial one ended. It is true that when a show ends due to poor ratings it usually doesn’t get a final not to mention longer final season. Supergirl is getting a longer season than any other CW show during this COVID-19 shortened season. This pandemic has made many people rethink the direction of their lives. But again we will never know the exact reasons

This article about why we grieve the ending of a favorite TV show is IMO on point.
...there are varying degrees of grief (as in, the conclusion of a movie or show is obviously not the same as the death of a person), but many people do experience feelings of loss around different forms of media, such as the ending of a favorite show.
It helped me to know what I felt and continue to feel about Supergirl ending is real and normal.

As to why Melissa’s not going to be the movie Supergirl, that’s just how DC has chosen to do things. Their movie and TV worlds are separate. It’s not anything against Melissa. Grant is not the movie Flash and there’s a different movie and TV Superman and Lois Lane. To me the fact that Melissa signed an over production deal with WB means she has a good working relationship with the studio.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
This is strictly my opinion. I think Melissa was ready to move on; she has a family now and has also set off in a new direction in her career. I believe that producing is something she has been considering for some time, and becoming involved in it may allow her more time with her son, freeing her from the grind of a weekly series. Plus the show is wrapping up "on top" so to speak, ending on its own terms. Also the disruptions caused by Covid very likely factored into the timing of this decision.

I do hope that we will see Melissa again in front of the camera or on stage, but I doubt that she considered trying for the movie role.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Somone else can correct me if I'm wrong but Supergirl ending was a combined decision between the showrunners,Melissa(who's contract is up after season 6 I believe) and the network.It wasn't ratings,the show is ending under its own power.

I hate when a show I love ends too but I rather have it end under it's own power so the creators can give the series a worthy great ending and make the final season a celebration of the show vs a cancelation causing a rushed or no satisfying ending.

I doubt Melissa was offered the big screen Supergirl role for The Flash.The studio usually casts other actors for the movies..This is normal.We have a TV Flash and a movie one.Same with Superman and Black Canary. and so on now including Supergirl.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
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