The DCTV and DC in general tends to have actual existing gods, at least human ones. On LoT they even explicitly validated Christianity a few times (as in “one true God”) much to detriment of atheist viewers like me.
That being said, the Kryptonians got their own religion and god. Kara certainly still believes it. You guys think Rao’s actually there? Or perhaps deliberate ambiguity is better?
- Fedguy
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Saturday, 30 December 2017
"Anyways, I don't think Kara ever actively talked about Rao and her belief in him. So, it is possibly just keeping up with her origins and childhood beliefs rather than an active belief that she reached after considering other possible paths. "
What also may be going with Kara is syncretism - combining elements of her original Kryptonian religion with the Judeo-Christian beliefs of her friends and acquaintances on Earth. Like the way she exclaims "Great Rao" (or just "Rao" ) in the comics, in situations where her friends might say "Oh, My God!" Yeah, I know that's pretty superficial
But anyway, native Americans combined elements of their religions with the Christian beliefs and practices of the European settlers. Kara may be doing something like that, too...
What also may be going with Kara is syncretism - combining elements of her original Kryptonian religion with the Judeo-Christian beliefs of her friends and acquaintances on Earth. Like the way she exclaims "Great Rao" (or just "Rao" ) in the comics, in situations where her friends might say "Oh, My God!" Yeah, I know that's pretty superficial

But anyway, native Americans combined elements of their religions with the Christian beliefs and practices of the European settlers. Kara may be doing something like that, too...
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
They had some bit of fun with Mon El and the Daxam vs Krypton thing but not in any way that is meaningful in my opinion.No, that was a surface level examination that didn't provide anything substantial about Kara. It was more about pushing the theme of how hate that was bred out of stereotypes and misconceptions could be overcome than it was about providing a revealing look into Kara's culture.
We don't need a female superman. We need a Supergirl who has her own place in the comic world; and I believe the show allows the writers to explore these opportunities.Yes, this has been my mantra since the show began basically. The show started on the wrong foot, in my opinion, in Season 1 by spending so much time trying to tell the viewer how it was her story not, Superman's rather than just show us by giving us more of her history, her experiences and her struggles as a result of the two. Perhaps, they have found their footing this season and we'll continue to see more of that

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
I didn't know Lucifer was there in both. I suppose him being real life mythology means there cannot be copyright issues? Does that mean there can be a Thor in DC too?
Anyways, I agree with Sully. What sets apart Kara from Clark is that she remembers her culture. She may have had friends in Krypton. She definitely had family whom she loved. It is surprising that it took the writers until this season to really tap into it. However, I am hoping that now that they have, they would continue it to show a story that delves into Kryptonian mythos deeply while also showing how someone from a completely different culture can adapt and struggle with being on Earth (or US).
They had some bit of fun with Mon El and the Daxam vs Krypton thing but not in any way that is meaningful in my opinion.
We don't need a female superman. We need a Supergirl who has her own place in the comic world; and I believe the show allows the writers to explore these opportunities.
Anyways, I don't think Kara ever actively talked about Rao and her belief in him. So, it is possibly just keeping up with her origins and childhood beliefs rather than an active belief that she reached after considering other possible paths. If she has, I'd like to listen to at least her have a discussion with someone else over it. Possibly with Alex and Eliza, and may be J'onn and M'yrnn as well.
Anyways, I agree with Sully. What sets apart Kara from Clark is that she remembers her culture. She may have had friends in Krypton. She definitely had family whom she loved. It is surprising that it took the writers until this season to really tap into it. However, I am hoping that now that they have, they would continue it to show a story that delves into Kryptonian mythos deeply while also showing how someone from a completely different culture can adapt and struggle with being on Earth (or US).
They had some bit of fun with Mon El and the Daxam vs Krypton thing but not in any way that is meaningful in my opinion.
We don't need a female superman. We need a Supergirl who has her own place in the comic world; and I believe the show allows the writers to explore these opportunities.
Anyways, I don't think Kara ever actively talked about Rao and her belief in him. So, it is possibly just keeping up with her origins and childhood beliefs rather than an active belief that she reached after considering other possible paths. If she has, I'd like to listen to at least her have a discussion with someone else over it. Possibly with Alex and Eliza, and may be J'onn and M'yrnn as well.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
"Isn't Lucifer DC? Or is it Marvel? It has God with Lucifer as the son who rebelled and was sent away to hell as punishment. However, the TV show also has a Goddess--God's wife."
There is a "Lucifer" character in both DC and Marvel comics. But the Lucifer TV show is based on the DC character.
"Unfortunately, besides those few moments in Season 1 and now this season, we haven't been given too much on Kara and her culture. To me, this limited amount of information highlights an important piece about Kara that has been overlooked by the writers. "
Yes, that occurred to me, too. In fact, I've tried to fill in a little of that in my own fan fiction stories. Here's an example:
Kara and Alex are eating lunch in a fast-casual sandwich shop (like Panera Bread) in National City. It appears to be a Saturday morning. Suddenly, Norah Jones’ “Don’t Know Why” begins playing over the restaurant’s sound system.
Alex: I love this song! I haven’t heard it in a while…
Kara: I like it, too. I always have…
Alex: Did you have music like this on Krypton?
Kara: Ummm…not exactly like this… but there were a lot of different styles of music, like we have here. Most of it was electronic, though. Of course, I went to a religious school, so I heard a lot of religious music…
Alex: That’s right – it was kind of like a Catholic school, right?
Kara (chuckling): Yeah, pretty much…it was run by the Rokyn Society. Funny thing is, I learned things in my primary school that hadn’t even been discovered here yet! Like in my fifth year in school on Krypton, we learned about gravity and gravitational waves. But gravitational waves have just been discovered by physicists here. Then when I took science in high school… remember I had Ms. Johnson my first year in Midvale?
Alex: Sure - You really liked her!
Kara: Yes, she was very nice… but when she taught us about Newton’s laws and gravity, I tried to explain the concept of gravitational waves to her. But I guess my English wasn’t good enough yet to get the idea across!
Alex (laughing): Remember we told everyone you were from Albania, and everybody believed it?
Kara (laughing): Yeah – even Dick never questioned it!
Suddenly Kara’s cell phone rings. Dick Malverne is on the line.
Dick (clearly sounding alarmed): Kara?
Kara: Oh - Hi Dick!
Dick: Have you seen the news?
Kara: No, it’s Saturday. I haven’t even turned the TV on. I’m with Alex, having lunch. At that sandwich place I was telling you about..
Dick: Kara – there are violent protests going on at Midvale State! People have gotten beaten up, and the cops are getting phone calls and emails about guys in the crowd with guns - and threatening to set off bombs! Susan is trapped in her office; she was away for a conference for a few days, and was trying to get caught up on her work this morning…
Kara (suddenly clearly concerned): Great Rao!
Kara holds her phone out toward Alex and turns up the volume, so they can both can hear what is being said
Dick (sounding puzzled): What?
Kara (chuckling briefly): Oh, let me translate that into English – “Oh my God”! How did this happen?
There is a "Lucifer" character in both DC and Marvel comics. But the Lucifer TV show is based on the DC character.
"Unfortunately, besides those few moments in Season 1 and now this season, we haven't been given too much on Kara and her culture. To me, this limited amount of information highlights an important piece about Kara that has been overlooked by the writers. "
Yes, that occurred to me, too. In fact, I've tried to fill in a little of that in my own fan fiction stories. Here's an example:
Kara and Alex are eating lunch in a fast-casual sandwich shop (like Panera Bread) in National City. It appears to be a Saturday morning. Suddenly, Norah Jones’ “Don’t Know Why” begins playing over the restaurant’s sound system.
Alex: I love this song! I haven’t heard it in a while…
Kara: I like it, too. I always have…
Alex: Did you have music like this on Krypton?
Kara: Ummm…not exactly like this… but there were a lot of different styles of music, like we have here. Most of it was electronic, though. Of course, I went to a religious school, so I heard a lot of religious music…
Alex: That’s right – it was kind of like a Catholic school, right?
Kara (chuckling): Yeah, pretty much…it was run by the Rokyn Society. Funny thing is, I learned things in my primary school that hadn’t even been discovered here yet! Like in my fifth year in school on Krypton, we learned about gravity and gravitational waves. But gravitational waves have just been discovered by physicists here. Then when I took science in high school… remember I had Ms. Johnson my first year in Midvale?
Alex: Sure - You really liked her!
Kara: Yes, she was very nice… but when she taught us about Newton’s laws and gravity, I tried to explain the concept of gravitational waves to her. But I guess my English wasn’t good enough yet to get the idea across!
Alex (laughing): Remember we told everyone you were from Albania, and everybody believed it?
Kara (laughing): Yeah – even Dick never questioned it!
Suddenly Kara’s cell phone rings. Dick Malverne is on the line.
Dick (clearly sounding alarmed): Kara?
Kara: Oh - Hi Dick!
Dick: Have you seen the news?
Kara: No, it’s Saturday. I haven’t even turned the TV on. I’m with Alex, having lunch. At that sandwich place I was telling you about..
Dick: Kara – there are violent protests going on at Midvale State! People have gotten beaten up, and the cops are getting phone calls and emails about guys in the crowd with guns - and threatening to set off bombs! Susan is trapped in her office; she was away for a conference for a few days, and was trying to get caught up on her work this morning…
Kara (suddenly clearly concerned): Great Rao!
Kara holds her phone out toward Alex and turns up the volume, so they can both can hear what is being said
Dick (sounding puzzled): What?
Kara (chuckling briefly): Oh, let me translate that into English – “Oh my God”! How did this happen?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
I have to wonder if Krypton is not supposed to be similar to Earth in that there are multiple belief systems that exist. Coville stated text of a prophecy to Kara about there being a Lilith and how that prophecy predated the Book of Rao. He also mentioned that the lost gods will fall for a new god to rise. Those statements could possibility be compared to the Old Testament but, also to a polytheism belief system, too.
I think that Kara believes in Rao as a god but, perhaps has not been that active in practicing her beliefs. We saw her participate in the ritual of sending her Aunt Astra into Rao's light in Season 1 and then we heard her reciting a prayer to Rao in The Faithful this season. Her knowledge of her culture but, perhaps her lack of practice of some of the rituals is not that much different than a child who was raised with a belief system to a certain point but, then forgets about it due to a situation where he/she loses the guidance of his/her birth parents. Kara has the backbone of her culture instilled within her but, she also has the 12-13 years of being away from it and being emerged into a different culture. I think this aspect makes her unique to Clark because he was raised on Earth within the Christian culture and never really knew his home.
Unfortunately, besides those few moments in Season 1 and now this season, we haven't been given too much on Kara and her culture. To me, this limited amount of information highlights an important piece about Kara that has been overlooked by the writers. So, hopefully, they continue this season delving into who Kara Zor-El really is as a Kryptonian and as an alien transplant to show her more than a just being a superhero and a woman trying to find a boyfriend.
I think that Kara believes in Rao as a god but, perhaps has not been that active in practicing her beliefs. We saw her participate in the ritual of sending her Aunt Astra into Rao's light in Season 1 and then we heard her reciting a prayer to Rao in The Faithful this season. Her knowledge of her culture but, perhaps her lack of practice of some of the rituals is not that much different than a child who was raised with a belief system to a certain point but, then forgets about it due to a situation where he/she loses the guidance of his/her birth parents. Kara has the backbone of her culture instilled within her but, she also has the 12-13 years of being away from it and being emerged into a different culture. I think this aspect makes her unique to Clark because he was raised on Earth within the Christian culture and never really knew his home.
Unfortunately, besides those few moments in Season 1 and now this season, we haven't been given too much on Kara and her culture. To me, this limited amount of information highlights an important piece about Kara that has been overlooked by the writers. So, hopefully, they continue this season delving into who Kara Zor-El really is as a Kryptonian and as an alien transplant to show her more than a just being a superhero and a woman trying to find a boyfriend.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
Isn't Lucifer DC? Or is it Marvel? It has God with Lucifer as the son who rebelled and was sent away to hell as punishment. However, the TV show also has a Goddess--God's wife.
If the different comics are connected, that would imply God is real in DC TV; and probably Rao is real too. It has not been clear to me whether Kara actually believes in Rao or if the rituals bring her peace because it connects her to her past. She is probably agnostic.
If the different comics are connected, that would imply God is real in DC TV; and probably Rao is real too. It has not been clear to me whether Kara actually believes in Rao or if the rituals bring her peace because it connects her to her past. She is probably agnostic.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
"Later on as the Superman/Supergirl canon grew, it also appears to imply a divine being or beings."
I always took it that Rao referred to a single divine being, one who was identified with Krypton's sun (also called Rao). I recall Superman saying in the comics that Rao was the Kryptonian word for God, which to me implied a monotheistic belief system (like the Judeo-Christian religious traditions).
Here's an artist's conception of a red dwarf star (which Rao is identified as in the comic), as viewed from one of its planets:
I always took it that Rao referred to a single divine being, one who was identified with Krypton's sun (also called Rao). I recall Superman saying in the comics that Rao was the Kryptonian word for God, which to me implied a monotheistic belief system (like the Judeo-Christian religious traditions).
Here's an artist's conception of a red dwarf star (which Rao is identified as in the comic), as viewed from one of its planets:
Attachments (1)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
Since what I've attached is a Wiki reference page, take what is presented with a grain of salt. But, from my general understanding, Rao refers initially to the red giant sun that Krypton orbited. Later on as the Superman/Supergirl canon grew, it also appears to imply a divine being or beings.
In any event, Rao is Rao (kind of like "I am what I am" in Judeo-Christian belief).
In any event, Rao is Rao (kind of like "I am what I am" in Judeo-Christian belief).
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
I'm resorting to online resources, but yes, it seems Rao was a real, divine being in Krypton's history. Father of Nightwing and Flamebird, also Kryptonian Gods, from which the Kryptonian heroes Nightwing and Flamebird derived their names (They pre-dated Dick Grayson's Nightwing and Bette Kane's Flamebird).
At thought this might just be Kryptonian myth, but according to my reading, and a story I have bits of pieces of in single issues, the mythic Flamebird and Nightwing manifested in living Kryptonians, Lor-Zod and Thara Ak-Var. This was around the "New Krypton" arc, in the comics. These 2 Kryptonians took on the names of Nightwing and Flamebird, respectively. In addition to the standard Kryptonian power sets, Nightwing could create and control shadow constructs, and Flamebird had a form of pyrokinesis.
Probably more info than you wanted. But if the mythic god versions of Nightwing and Flamebird were real, that leads me to believe Rao, their father, was real, as well.
There was also a villain, in recent history, who claimed to be Rao. I never read the conclusion, but the issues leading up to it implied that he was an imposter.
At thought this might just be Kryptonian myth, but according to my reading, and a story I have bits of pieces of in single issues, the mythic Flamebird and Nightwing manifested in living Kryptonians, Lor-Zod and Thara Ak-Var. This was around the "New Krypton" arc, in the comics. These 2 Kryptonians took on the names of Nightwing and Flamebird, respectively. In addition to the standard Kryptonian power sets, Nightwing could create and control shadow constructs, and Flamebird had a form of pyrokinesis.
Probably more info than you wanted. But if the mythic god versions of Nightwing and Flamebird were real, that leads me to believe Rao, their father, was real, as well.
There was also a villain, in recent history, who claimed to be Rao. I never read the conclusion, but the issues leading up to it implied that he was an imposter.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
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