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Posting the whole article that covers the entire DC line wide event but the Superman and Supergirl parts are highlighted.

Future State Batman, Superman, Justice League details officially revealed by DC

By Michael Doran 3 hours ago

DC has finally unveiled all the details of its two-month event Future State involving its main line of titles

DC has officially revealed the details of its Future State event, and as Newsarama has previously reported, the finite, January-February 2021 line-wide event will feature a series of specials and brief limited series (all revealed below) set in the near- and far-future of DCU continuity that temporarily takes the place of the publisher's core ongoing series.

Then in March, the regular DC title lineup resumes with the numbering of existing series in-tact, "continuing existing storylines from 2020 and introducing new arcs for the year."

In other words, and as we've been reporting for a while, Future State will not lead to a reboot.

"In DC Future State, the Multiverse has been saved from the brink of destruction, but the triumph of DC's heroes has shaken loose the very fabric of time and space!" reads DC's description. "The final chapter of Dark Nights: Death Metal (on sale January 5, 2021) brings new life to DC's Multiverse, kicking off this glimpse into the unwritten worlds of DC's future!"

DC did not mention January 5's Generations: Shattered #1 and February's Generations: Forged #1 and declined to answer questions about them, but expect the two specials to act as bookends to Future State.

Future State will feature some existing characters in new roles and new characters taking on iconic identities.

"The DC Universe has always been fertile ground for new and refreshing takes on our characters, and DC Future State definitely contributes to this legacy," says DC executive editor Marie Javins. "When the event begins in January, some savvy readers will not only pick up on some of the breadcrumbs that have already been tossed out in our current titles, but they will also find new hints and clues of what's to come in 2021."

In January and February, the Future State line-up is split into three families - Batman, Superman (which includes Wonder Woman), and Justice League - and will feature a combination of monthly and bimonthly oversized anthology titles along with a one-shot, one three-issue monthly limited series that extends into March, and 14 two-issue monthly limited series.

The event features a combination of familiar DC creative talent like Mariko Tamaki, Brian Michael Bendis, Gene Luen Yang, Joëlle Jones, Joshua Williamson, Nicola Scott, Cully Hamner, and John Timms along with creators from the worlds of TV, movies, and animation and other DC publishing lines including John Ridley, Brandon Vietti, Meghan Fitzmartin, Brandon Easton, Alitha Martinez, L.L. McKinney, Paula Sevenbergen, and Siya Oum, among others.

DC has released descriptions of the three main Future State families along with the January-February title line-up and creative teams for each family. And click on the galleries for all available preview cover art. Some galleries contain more than one cover.

Batman Family

"In this future, Gotham City is controlled by the Magistrate. This villainous regime has taken control of the city, now under constant surveillance. All masked vigilantes have been outlawed and Batman has been killed. But led by an all-new Batman, a new assembly of Gotham's guardians rise to give hope to all of those who lost it!"

Future State: The Next Batman and Future State: Dark Detective are both four-issue, bimonthly oversized anthologies.

Headlined by John Ridley, Nick Derington, and Laura Braga's The Next Batman, other characters/concepts included in Future State: The Next Batman #1-4 include:

Outsiders by Brandon Thomas and Sumit Kunar
Arkham Knights by Paul Jenkins and Jack Herbert
Batgirls by Vita Ayala and Aneke
Gotham City Sirens by Paula Sevenbergen and Emanuela Lupacchino

Headlined by Mariko Tamaki and Dan Mora's Dark Detective, other characters/concepts included in Future State: Dark Detective #1-4 include:

Grifters by Matthew Rosenberg and Carmine di Giandomenico
Red Hood by Joshua Williamson and Giannis Milonogiannis

Future State Batman Family two-issue monthly limited series include:

Future State: Batman/Superman by Gene Luen Yang and Ben Oliver
Future State: Catwoman by Ram V and Otto Schmidt
Future State: Harley Quinn by Stephanie Phillips and Simone Di Meo
Future State: Nightwing by Andrew Constant and Nicola Scott
Future State: Robin Eternal by Meghan Fitzmartin and Eddy Barrows

Batman editor Ben Abernathy gives Newsarama readers much more insight into the Future State Batman Family including full January solicitation copy and character designs in our exclusive interview-preview. Here's a preview - Bruce Wayne isn't as dead as DC's description makes him out to be.

Superman Family

"Due to his involvement in an international crisis happening in the near future, Clark Kent has been rejected by Earth, causing him to focus his lifesaving efforts outside his adopted home," reads DC's description. "He travels to Warworld to rise through the ranks of gladiatorial combat in order to defeat Mongul with the help of some unlikely heroes.

"Back in Metropolis, Clark's son Jon has taken on the mantle of Superman. After seeing the horrors that befell Gotham, he bottles Metropolis in order to keep it safe, putting him at odds with Supergirl."

A Shilo Norman/Mister Miracle story connects the two oversized Future State: Superman titles, as he "finds himself caught between the city he grew up in and the battle-torn planet that could be his downfall."

"Meanwhile in the Amazon rainforest, Yara Flor is chosen to be the new Wonder Woman," concludes DC's description. "Years later, the new Superman and Wonder Woman join forces to save their cities in a new superhero team-up the likes of which the world has never seen."

The Future State Superman Family includes three oversized anthologies.

The two-issue, monthly oversized Future State: Superman of Metropolis includes:

Superman of Metropolis by Sean Lewis and John Timms
The Guardian by Sean Lewis and Cully Hamner
Mister Miracle by Brandon Easton and Valentine De Landro

The four-issue, bimonthly oversized Future State: Superman: Worlds of War includes:

Superman: Worlds of War by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Mikel Janin
Midnighter by Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad, and Gleb Melnikov
Black Racer by Jeremy Adams and Siya Oum
Mister Miracle by Brandon Easton and Valentine De Landro

The two-issue, monthly oversized The Immortal Wonder Woman includes:

Immortal Wonder Woman by Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad, and Jen Bartel
Nubia by L.L. McKinney, Alitha E. Martinez, and Mark Morales

Future State Superman Family limited series and one-shots (all are monthly, two-issue limited series unless otherwise noted) include:

Future State: House of El by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Scott Godlewski (one-shot on sale February)
Future State: Kara Zor-El, Superwoman by Marguerite Bennett and Marguerite Sauvage
Future State: Legion of Super-Heroes by Brian Michael Bendis and Riley Rossmo
Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman by Dan Watters and Leila del Duca
Future State: Superman vs. Imperious Lex by Mark Russell and Steve Pugh (three-issue series ending March 2021)
Future State: Wonder Woman by Joëlle Jones

Justice League Family

"A thread of great change runs through the Justice League heroes: a new League is built upon secret identities (even from each other), but an old and evolved enemy will use these secrets to try and overthrow the world," reads DC's description. "For the supernatural heroes of Justice League Dark, the very fabric of reality has shifted, and heroes are being hunted.

"For Flash, Shazam, and the Teen Titans, it all begins when the four Riders of the Apocalypse unleash hell in a battle at Titans Academy, Barry Allen is cut off from the Speed Force, a Famine-controlled Wally West may be beyond saving, and Billy Batson makes a deal with the devil that will change Shazam forever."

"Off-world, John Stewart and the remaining Green Lanterns are stranded in the shadow of a dead power battery; Jackson Hyde and Andy Curry are separated across the galaxy; and Amanda Waller executes her ultimate plan with a new but terrifyingly familiar Suicide Squad on Earth-3," continues DC's description.

"At the end of time, Swamp Thing reveals its true intention, ruling supreme until a remnant of humanity launches a rebellion, and Black Adam looks to the past as the only way to save the future of the Multiverse."

All three Justice League Family anthologies are two-issue, oversized monthly series.

Future State: Justice League includes:

Justice League by Joshua Williamson and Robson Rocha
Justice League Dark by Ram V and Marcio Takara

Future State: Green Lantern includes:

Last Lanterns by Geoffrey Thorne and Tom Raney
Tales of the Green Lantern Corps by Josie Campbell, Ryan Cady, and Ernie Altbacker, with Sami Basri and Clayton Henry

Future State: Suicide Squad includes:

Suicide Squad by Robbie Thompson and Javi Fernandez
Black Adam: One Million by Jeremy Adams and Fernando Pasarin

Future State Justice League Family two-issue monthly limited series include:

Future State: Aquaman by Brandon Thomas and Daniel Sampere
Future State: The Flash by Brandon Vietti and Dale Eaglesham
Future State: Teen Titans by Tim Sheridan and Rafa Sandoval
Future State: SHAZAM! by Tim Sheridan and Eduardo Pansica
Future State: Swamp Thing by Ram V and Mike Perkins

Look for much more coverage of Future State later today and this week here on Newsarama.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Here's some more info.This is a big IGN article/interview with Superman Group Editor Jamie S. Rich.I'm only posting the Supergirl related part but the whole thing is worth a read.

Superman's Exile From Earth

While Future State isn't necessarily intended to be any more or less dark than the present-day DCU (a pointed change from most future timelines featured in superhero comics), it does seem as though the future isn't terribly kind to Kal-El. For reasons that won't be immediately revealed, Superman has fallen out of favor with the people of Earth, causing him to leave his adopted home behind and begin a new mission in the stars. The exact reasons for his departure and his newfound mission on Warworld will be revealed over the course of Future State, though Rich was clear all of this builds directly on what writer Brian Michael Bendis has been crafting in the pages of Superman and Action Comics. As he explained, the events of Future State are basically the inevitable result of Superman's decision to reveal his secret identity and his shift towards defending the universe as a whole rather than just Metropolis or Earth.

"We're looking at what Bendis has been doing on his books and Superman revealing who he is and starting to extrapolate - what does that mean?" said Rich. "In Future State, you won't know exactly how Superman ended up on Warworld, but the story in Superman: Worlds of War that Phillip Kennedy Johnson is writing kind of balances that. So you will also see, on Earth, what it means to people to have him gone... does he create a space that inspires people?"

"The childish thing to do with Superman that every boy who wants to tear the wings off flies would do is try to tear him down or make him evil," said Rich, revealing that some of the ideas being explored here were inspired by conversations with All-Star Superman writer Grant Morrison. "We want to just show that the symbol is greater than any one place or any one populace. Actually, that's probably a good point to make too. We're not imagining Future State as this horrible dystopian, 'everything goes wrong' [timeline]. Certainly there are books where things are bad and stuff has taken a turn for the worst cause that's dramatic, but there's also a lot of hope in this."

With Superman now a pariah who's left Earth behind, you might think Lex Luthor would be having the time of his life in the year 2030. But Rich teased that won't quite be the case.

"We're actually dealing with that in the Superman vs. Imperious Lex miniseries that Mark Russell and Steve Pugh are doing, who people know as the great team behind The Flintstones," said Rich. "That has more of a satirical tone, more of a lighthearted tone as Lex Luthor. I don't know if you remember back in the '60s and '70s, Lex Luthor had a planet called Lexor where he would go and hang out because people thought he was a hero there and he'd managed to con them into thinking that Superman was a villain. Now you see the future where Lex is trying to get Lexor into the United Planets and Lois Lane is now representing Earth, and she's trying to stop him in and how Superman gets in the middle."

Jon Kent's Terrible Choice

For many Superman readers, the biggest selling point of Future State may be the promise of seeing Jon Kent take up the mantle of Superman. We've already seen one take on that story in the form of the zombie-themed DCeased franchise, but Future State has the benefit of being set within the traditional DCU. Unsurprisingly, Jon will find his father left behind very big shoes to fill.

"We see him as finally reaching a point where his dad can say, 'This is the family business. You are Superman. It's your job now. I'm going to go take care of this over here, out in space. You need to keep an eye on Metropolis.'" said Rich. "For Jonathan as a legacy character - which as we know, DC has a great history of continuing these kinds of characters and creating new versions and connecting them to the past - he has a different mode than his father ever did, because he has no secret identity because his father recently told everybody who his family was, but he's also half human."

Rich continued, "There's a lot to explore there in terms of who this character is. He's also grown up offstage in the future, which is a total other problem. He's got that kind of human, identifiable element that hopefully current readers can be attracted to. Here's a guy trying to figure out how to make his way in the world. And where we see him in Future State is there is a whole, rampant new version of Brainiac called Brain Cells that is self-replicating, and John is trying to figure out, 'How do I stop this? How do I protect my city?' The same time he's looking at Gotham, which is now is in big trouble. And he's like, 'How do I keep Metropolis from becoming Gotham?'"

Jon's fight to stop Brain Cells will also put him in conflict with Supergirl, who won't be too happy to see her cousin resort to the same Bottle City tech Brainiac used to steal away Kandor. In the process, Kara will take her own steps toward becoming a better hero in Clark's absence, finally evolving from Supergirl to Superwoman.

Rich said, "Supergirl is there to question him and challenge him and also maybe be like, 'Wait a minute. I am as powerful as my cousin. I am as powerful as Clark. Why am I not the one who gets the cape?' There's a lot of cool family drama in there."

Solicitations for the first issues.


"Superman of Metropolis" written by SEAN LEWIS
"Superman of Metropolis" art by JOHN TIMMS
"The Guardian" written by SEAN LEWIS
"The Guardian" art by CULLY HAMNER
"Mister Miracle" written by BRANDON EASTON
"Mister Miracle" art by VALENTINE DE LANDRO
cover by JOHN TIMMS
card stock variant cover by INHYUK LEE
card stock blank variant cover

ON SALE 1/5/21
$5.99 US | 48 PAGES | 1 OF 2 | FC | DC

Before leaving for parts unknown, Clark Kent entrusted Earth's safety to his son. Now, Jonathan Kent is Superman! Top priority for this new Superman: to protect Metropolis. When a new version of Brainiac attacks, Jon takes drastic measures—which result in the Bottle City of Metropolis! But watch out, Jon, because Supergirl is on her way, and she is not happy with your decision.

Meanwhile, in the new bottle city, a new hero has risen. Jake Jordan, the former Manhattan Guardian, came to the City of Tomorrow to start over. But he's not the only one who wants a new beginning. An anarchist calling herself Honest Mary sees this time of trouble as an opportunity for rebirth—and she'll tear down the entire city to prove her point. Does Jake have what it takes to save his new home from disasters both inside and out of the bottle? Superman's former pal Jimmy Olsen is going to make sure he does!

Finally, the current Mister Miracle, Shilo Norman, is also in the bottle, and he's looking for a way out! He'd better be careful, though, or he may end up someplace unexpected. It's a story that continues in Superman: Worlds of War #1!


card stock variant cover by ALEX GARNER

ON SALE 1/12/21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES | 1 of 2 | FC | DC

Kara Zor-El, Superman's hot-tempered cousin, has finally found peace and purpose away from Earth and its heroes. Now known as Superwoman, she watches over the Moon and the refugees from across the galaxy who have congregated there. But all of that is about to change when a spaceship piloted by a runaway alien crash-lands and turns Kara's world upside down! Does this fugitive come in peace? Or does this arrival bring war to our hero's front door?

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