In "Trinity" (episode 3.17) the group is having a discussion at 'the table' at the DEO and, as part of it, J'onn J'onzz talks about how, on Mars, it was possible for Martians to experience someone else's mental experience by accident. This was said in front of Lena, who didn't seem to be surprised that J'onn was from Mars.
It couldn't be that it goes all the way back to episode 1.16 ("Falling"
, where J'onn was first exposed, as this was covered up by the DEO because of the need for them to remain secret too. Indeed, if anyone else outside the DEO knew that J'onn is a Martian, then Ruby wouldn't have been surprised by M'yrnn talking about being from Mars in the most recent "The Fanatical" episode (3.19).
Seeing as how this is a well-kept secret outside of the DEO, did Lena somehow find this out about J'onn before this episode? Did I miss something in an earlier episode?