Reign and Supergirl fight! Here's a few images, one including Odette in costume, draggin some random door around as villains do.
Hollywood North...
- evrafter
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Hmmm.....kkkiiinnnddaaa lookin like Mon-El's black tshirt in that there pod. If it IS him, there's gonna have to be some brain tweaking story about the Legion having gone back in time on Earth and getting stuck in sediment/bedrock....
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
I'm a bit torn on Sam becoming Reign and being a villain just because I like the character of Sam. But, if she didn't become a villain, I'm not really sure how she would fit into the show because I don't know that the show needs more everyday regular characters.
As far as a threat to SG, I don't really think that there has been a strong threat to SG thus far. I like watching shows/movies in which the writing of an antagonist takes me to the edge of apprehension, wondering how it would be possible that the hero will overcome such adversity to win. No villain or story on SG has been written in that way yet.
I think that, in order for SG to be looked at as a legitimate super hero, she has to face a villain that is shown to be as capable as she is in strength, intelligence and viability. Astra had that capability, and in a way, she did bring SG down emotionally but, unfortunately, they wrote a redemption arc for her before killing her off too soon.
If they're going to make Sam into the villain Reign, then I hope that they go full board on it and don't go for the sympathy angle too soon.
I do think they've succeeded in making us care about Sam for the most part. However I do think that Kara will have to think outside the box to defeat Reign. And it won't happen until she discovers Reign is Sam, where she will be able to use Ruby against Sam either by appealing to her, or by a trap.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
Agreed, Sully. If you're going to screw up Sam...then go big or go home. We all are loving her. So, make Reign BIG.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
I'm a bit torn on Sam becoming Reign and being a villain just because I like the character of Sam. But, if she didn't become a villain, I'm not really sure how she would fit into the show because I don't know that the show needs more everyday regular characters.
As far as a threat to SG, I don't really think that there has been a strong threat to SG thus far. I like watching shows/movies in which the writing of an antagonist takes me to the edge of apprehension, wondering how it would be possible that the hero will overcome such adversity to win. No villain or story on SG has been written in that way yet.
I think that, in order for SG to be looked at as a legitimate super hero, she has to face a villain that is shown to be as capable as she is in strength, intelligence and viability. Astra had that capability, and in a way, she did bring SG down emotionally but, unfortunately, they wrote a redemption arc for her before killing her off too soon.
If they're going to make Sam into the villain Reign, then I hope that they go full board on it and don't go for the sympathy angle too soon.
As far as a threat to SG, I don't really think that there has been a strong threat to SG thus far. I like watching shows/movies in which the writing of an antagonist takes me to the edge of apprehension, wondering how it would be possible that the hero will overcome such adversity to win. No villain or story on SG has been written in that way yet.
I think that, in order for SG to be looked at as a legitimate super hero, she has to face a villain that is shown to be as capable as she is in strength, intelligence and viability. Astra had that capability, and in a way, she did bring SG down emotionally but, unfortunately, they wrote a redemption arc for her before killing her off too soon.
If they're going to make Sam into the villain Reign, then I hope that they go full board on it and don't go for the sympathy angle too soon.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
I have th feeling it’s going to be a Killer Frost type situation. Made all the more heartbreaking due to the fact that she’s a mom. I wish they would’ve held off on showing the Reign persona but I guess they need an intense mid season finale that needs to be higher stakes than the crossover.
Oh wow, Leila...I hadn't thought about THAT aspect of the tragedy. Here we just saw how Alex has reacted to Maggie NOT wanting to be a mom. And then, we saw how Sam describes being a single mom at Girls Night Out. So, yeah...that truly does add to the possible heart wrenching "ending" of Sam.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
I have th feeling it’s going to be a Killer Frost type situation. Made all the more heartbreaking due to the fact that she’s a mom. I wish they would’ve held off on showing the Reign persona but I guess they need an intense mid season finale that needs to be higher stakes than the crossover.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
Same, me too. I do want Sam to try to seek Kara's help at least once. And for them both to be shocked when they learn each others identities. And it seems to me that Sam is being attacked psychically pretty much. (She was cowering on the floor after that vision)
Again I do think Sam will sacrifice herself in the finale, probably for Ruby after Kara gets through to her. I do not think they'll learn each others identities at the same time .
Same, me too. I do want Sam to try to seek Kara's help at least once. And for them both to be shocked when they learn each others identities. And it seems to me that Sam is being attacked psychically pretty much. (She was cowering on the floor after that vision)
Again I do think Sam will sacrifice herself in the finale, probably for Ruby after Kara gets through to her. I do not think they'll learn each others identities at the same time .
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
I totally agree with the whole way overpowered zoom type villain style. Unlike all of the other tv series we have never actually truly seen Supergirl get her arse kicked because she is more powerful then the man of steel himself, (not like Vartox) like being completely vulnerable and have no way to fight it and just let it happen. Except I know and everyone here knows that Reign is going to be WAY different than any other big bad. Some metas yeah but never a big bad. I predict that a bigger threat will come and will be on Reign's side and is way bigger than Supergirl and then at the season finale Supergirl will finally get completely through to her and Reign will sacrifice herself to save the world or something. And what will be Reign's motives? Will Ruby be dragged in and if so will she have powers? So far even if Sam did discover she did have powers she would never go bad or anything so there has to be some kind of mind control situation going on here like Killer Frost. And if so does she remember any of her horrible acts or will it be kind of like Alchemy where he can't remember a thing? If she doesn't remember will Supergirl confront Sam alone and be shocked when Sam seems absolute confused? Once Reign does find out her powers and has a little or at least some control will she go to Supergirl at least once? And does Sam/Reign have some sort of grudge against Supergirl or does she only hate her because Supergirl is the only person standing in her way? Like every other big bad on any other tv show the big bad either knows prior who the hero is or a little afterwards so how will Reign find out Supergirl's identity and will Supergirl find out Reign's identity first? When Reign does find out that Kara Danvers, who has been standing right in front of her, will she be angry? Will this empower Sam a little and give her an advantage to fight off Reign? Or will this just empower Reign and a growing rage make her let even more loose on Supergir? When Lena finds out how will she react and will she take sides? Wow I have a lot of questions and theories.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
Reign is supposed to be a Kryptonian superweapon lol. Kara is just a Kryptonian. It's like the difference between a metahuman and a normal person. So I have faith this will turn out differently from Non.
The need for a stronger threat stems partially from that if the challenge is simple to overcome, you're not really a hero. A hero overcomes something difficult, not something easy. Season 1 partially had that with Non and Astra, but it was ruined by Alex killing Astra and then Kara simply becoming a match for Non without explanation (The Flash Season 1 is guilty of this also, he couldn't beat the Reverse Flash in the end and Eddie did the job)
In that respect S2 was ridiculous, which is why I personally am desperate for a fix. Neither Cadmus nor the Daxamites were much of a challenge. Any one of Kara's powered friends could have beaten Rhea. Cadmus was even more ridiculous, given that Alex managed to walking into their base, had a nice little chat, and walked away.
Green Arrow would have neutralised Cadmus within an episode. He has no powers.
And then of course there was the ambiguity over who really was the big bad for season two.
So far S3 seems like it will have none of that, which is why I have great excitement for how this will turn out. I think S2 probably suffered from not enough time to plan.
The need for a stronger threat stems partially from that if the challenge is simple to overcome, you're not really a hero. A hero overcomes something difficult, not something easy. Season 1 partially had that with Non and Astra, but it was ruined by Alex killing Astra and then Kara simply becoming a match for Non without explanation (The Flash Season 1 is guilty of this also, he couldn't beat the Reverse Flash in the end and Eddie did the job)
In that respect S2 was ridiculous, which is why I personally am desperate for a fix. Neither Cadmus nor the Daxamites were much of a challenge. Any one of Kara's powered friends could have beaten Rhea. Cadmus was even more ridiculous, given that Alex managed to walking into their base, had a nice little chat, and walked away.
Green Arrow would have neutralised Cadmus within an episode. He has no powers.
And then of course there was the ambiguity over who really was the big bad for season two.
So far S3 seems like it will have none of that, which is why I have great excitement for how this will turn out. I think S2 probably suffered from not enough time to plan.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
But, weren't, back in season 1 Non and Astra both real physical threats to Kara?
Astra, maybe. Episode 2 had some good fight footage. Non was a joke, though. The fight with him boiled down to a cheap heat vision battle. The nearly mute Non from Superman II was better.
Kara's also a far better warrior than she was when she fought Astra, and Astra was never going to kill Kara.
Reign, on the other hand (in comics, at least) is stronger than a Kryptonian, and has no pesky familial bond to Supergirl to temper her wrath.
In this show however, at least from what we've seen, they seem to be pushing a friendship between the two of them before Reign appears. So that could lend something interesting if they fight without knowing who the other is.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
But, weren't, back in season 1 Non and Astra both real physical threats to Kara?
Astra, maybe. Episode 2 had some good fight footage. Non was a joke, though. The fight with him boiled down to a cheap heat vision battle. The nearly mute Non from Superman II was better.
Kara's also a far better warrior than she was when she fought Astra, and Astra was never going to kill Kara.
Reign, on the other hand (in comics, at least) is stronger than a Kryptonian, and has no pesky familial bond to Supergirl to temper her wrath.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
I would like to see Reign totally kick Supergirl's arse, to the point of killing her and something clicks her back to Samantha and she doesn't do it. That to me would show that this foe is far different from any that Supergirl has faced...AND, I want Supergirl to realize that she is about to be killed, but Reign suddenly stops, there is compassion in her eyes for a split second and she disappears.
Why do so many people want to see Supergirl get beaten up and bloody? Do people really want to see poor Kara get stabbed through the chest and thrown down a mountain like Oliver, or get her back broken and hung up like a rag doll like Barry? I mean, I get that she needs a strong physical challenge, and that the greater the threat the greater the hero, but the show thus far has generally maintained a certain hopeful and optimistic tone that doesn't jive with lots of brutality. If it has to be done, at least let's keep it tasteful for the younger audience members.
I think the issues is more that many feel she hasn't faced a true threat the way her male peers have. Part of it's because she's Kryptonian, and it's hard to find a real threat. Part of it is because having a male villain defeat Supergirl in such a way would become to reminiscent of domestic violence. But having the enemy be a female villain goes a long ways towards nullifying that concern.
For me, it's that I don't want to see the character be handled with kid gloves. She should face villains that are as threatening to her as Dark Archer was to Arrow or Zoom was to Flash.
Having the hero defeated in such a way creates tension. If the audience doesn't feel that there is a real threat to the hero, especially from the season-long villain, then where is the conflict?
Arrow's darker than the rest, admittedly. But I would say anything they can do on Flash, they should be able to do the equivalent of on Supergirl. If that means having her beaten to the equivalent of what Zoom did to Flash, then so be it. I actually encourage it. That brief fight proved what a threat Zoom was, and it paid off for most of the rest of the season.
Treating the character with kid gloves because she's a female hero sends the wrong message, in my opinion.
Furthermore, I don't think children should be underestimated. They can take more than people know, and seeing their hero be soundly defeated early on, makes it all the more rewarding when they eventually win in the end.
I was a kid during the animated Batman episode "Over the Edge", when Batgirl was seemingly killed when Scarecrow caused her to fall off as skyscraper and fall onto a car, on the streets below. It was a tragic death scene, and eventually revealed to be a hallucination, at the very end of the episode. But it was an amazingly strong episode, and I was able to handle it as a kid.
In Darkeseid's first appearance in the Superman animated series, he murdered Detective Turpin, right in front of Superman and an entire crowd. It was tragic. But it made for a strong episode, and showed that Darkseid was not a threat to be taken lightly. I was a child. I was fine.
I was a kid when they straight up KILLED OFF the pink ranger. It was the "Lost Galaxy" season of Power Rangers. It was shocking. Never expected something like that. But to this day, it stands out as one of the most memorable episodes in the entire 20+ year run of that franchise.
I personally think sheltering kids too much makes it difficult to handle the challenges of the real world, but that's a different discussion. As long as the parents take responsibility to teach the child the difference between fantasy and reality, it should be fine.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
Or perhaps to wit, have Reign defeat Supergirl which will make Kara's eventual win that much sweeter.
I think that the way to defeat Reign will be to try to 'awaken' Sam within her or get her to break through.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
I would like to see Reign totally kick Supergirl's arse, to the point of killing her and something clicks her back to Samantha and she doesn't do it. That to me would show that this foe is far different from any that Supergirl has faced...AND, I want Supergirl to realize that she is about to be killed, but Reign suddenly stops, there is compassion in her eyes for a split second and she disappears.
Why do so many people want to see Supergirl get beaten up and bloody? Do people really want to see poor Kara get stabbed through the chest and thrown down a mountain like Oliver, or get her back broken and hung up like a rag doll like Barry? I mean, I get that she needs a strong physical challenge, and that the greater the threat the greater the hero, but the show thus far has generally maintained a certain hopeful and optimistic tone that doesn't jive with lots of brutality. If it has to be done, at least let's keep it tasteful for the younger audience members.
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 16
Or perhaps to wit, have Reign defeat Supergirl which will make Kara's eventual win that much sweeter.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 17
I have to agree. I want to see Kara actually frightened a bit when facing Reign so that we can see Melissa's acting--overcoming fear and becoming stronger over a period of a few episodes. Supergirl needs to be rattled a bit.
Also, already beginning to imagine the horror on Kara's face the moment she realizes Reign is Sam![]()
Or even greater horror on her face when she realizes that, and then maybe Sam breaks through during the fights claiming to not be able to control herself and wanting to fight it.
yeah i agree with you all,we need more powerfull villain like Reign to beat SG sometimes..
will Reign have the sword as a weapon just like the picture from the comic??i hope she will have it..
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 18
I have to agree. I want to see Kara actually frightened a bit when facing Reign so that we can see Melissa's acting--overcoming fear and becoming stronger over a period of a few episodes. Supergirl needs to be rattled a bit.
Also, already beginning to imagine the horror on Kara's face the moment she realizes Reign is Sam![]()
Or even greater horror on her face when she realizes that, and then maybe Sam breaks through during the fights claiming to not be able to control herself and wanting to fight it.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 19
I would like to see Reign totally kick Supergirl's arse, to the point of killing her and something clicks her back to Samantha and she doesn't do it. That to me would show that this foe is far different from any that Supergirl has faced...AND, I want Supergirl to realize that she is about to be killed, but Reign suddenly stops, there is compassion in her eyes for a split second and she disappears.
This. So much this.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 20
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