I for the first time thougth that all 4 shows had a good (to really great) opening, so i'm glad.
For Arrow i actually like Rene and yes the charm of the old team (ota) has vanish among the years so the new blood is refreashing. I still love Oliver and i like Digg ...
Felicity is the one character that i really liked in season 1 and 2 who has change into someone i just don't care about. Maybe that can evolve again, cause Thea is the exact opposite.
For Arrow i actually like Rene and yes the charm of the old team (ota) has vanish among the years so the new blood is refreashing. I still love Oliver and i like Digg ...

Felicity is the one character that i really liked in season 1 and 2 who has change into someone i just don't care about. Maybe that can evolve again, cause Thea is the exact opposite.
I would spend all of my days on set watching the show being made
I saw Arrow. Tbh I kinda lost interest after S4. I don’t care about the new team, and I don’t care about his new love interests, but that’s all there is these days.
New season off to a decent start but not as interesting as SG and Flash
100% agree, Fedguy. I'm just not invested in his new team. The chemistry between the originals is completely gone, which changes the whole feel of the show. The season premier was just "alright" to me. What really stood out was the fighting. Perhaps after watching the improvements in Supergirl's fighting choreography, Arrow's felt VERY staged last night.
I saw Arrow. Tbh I kinda lost interest after S4. I don’t care about the new team, and I don’t care about his new love interests, but that’s all there is these days.
New season off to a decent start but not as interesting as SG and Flash
New season off to a decent start but not as interesting as SG and Flash
Agreed, my most favorite epi's are still from Season 1. I maintain the opinion that I miss seeing Kara's joy for her powers and miss her discovering what she can do.
Good idea Fedguy.
I'll say I thoroughly enjoyed The Flash S4 premiere tonight. The gang was back and it felt good.
Loved the opening action sequence with Kid Flash, Vibe and Joe West against Peek-a-Boo, so cool to see Joe bring out the big gun. The acting was brilliant from all concerned especially Grant and Candace, Carlos Valdes totally rocked as Cisco "we are some bad hombres". Nice to see Caitlin back again (although Killer Frost is still lurking).
I think (pun intended) I am going to enjoy The Thinker as the villain this season, he'll be something quite different than the speedsters we've had previously.
Highly recommend checking out The Flash S4 premiere episode. The EP's said they were going back to a lighter tone this season and they succeeded first up.
One word to describe that show...awesome. The "new" tone is what made the Flash's first 2 seasons pure joy. And there were so many Easter eggs that would make the bunny jealous, including an Incredible Hulk reference that would have Bill Bixby laughing in heaven...that had to do with Cailyn...that was the cherry on the sundae. I knew this was going to be a different Flash season...but not this different...or fun. And The Thinker will be a challenge, but also an enjoyable main villain not a speedster. The most powerful weapon in my mind...is the mind.
Like Caitlin and Cisco said...We Back Baby.
And it's a sign to the fans the cast saying we forgot what made us work and we will work our rears off and have some fun to bring back the fun. Mission Accomplished. One season 4 DVD pre-order please...LOL!
By the way, Barry's new suit...stylin'! The trailer for episode two is a scream, and yet will remind me of The Greatest American Hero...you know instruction manual, the suit, then again I am a kid of the 80's.
The Flash is back. Greg Berlanti, you are showing love to your comic book hero...well done.
Speaking of comparisons it's cool to notice Iris and Kara had exactly the same problem and were kinda acting the same way.
If I could have made Arrow.tv, Flash.tv, and LegendsofTomorrow.tv, I would have, but in its absence, this is a great thread! After all Supergirl.tv is the best Arrowverse site out there (tooting my own horn, lol).
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
Great idea with this thread, boys.
Not a huge fan of Legends. But the Flash had a strong beginning. I agree with you, Kiwi. Nice to see the big baddy NOT be a speedster, for a change. Looks like the gang followed the Thinker's plan to the t, with getting Barry out of the Speedforce. "Welcome back, Barry," said the Samurai.
Did he NEED Barry out of there so he could manipulate it in some way, or did he need Barry out of the Speedforce so he could use him? I'm liking it! I kept comparing it to the Supergirl premier--the acting, the storyline, etc etc. While I enjoy the Flash cast, ultimately I felt the Scooby gang's acting was superior this episode.
Funny thing: we kept comparing Supergirl season 1 to season 2 last year, saying how much greater the feeling was. Interesting note, I went back and watched season 1 episode 2 before this season's premier. And, I was shocked how much season 1 felt so....amateur. Not that it was bad, but you could really see how they hadn't quite found their solid footing, yet. And, it was funny how amateur Kara was at being a new superhero. Comparing her then to how she was on Monday? Showed me just HOW far the show has come--in production quality, special effects, chemistry between the actors.
Not a huge fan of Legends. But the Flash had a strong beginning. I agree with you, Kiwi. Nice to see the big baddy NOT be a speedster, for a change. Looks like the gang followed the Thinker's plan to the t, with getting Barry out of the Speedforce. "Welcome back, Barry," said the Samurai.
Did he NEED Barry out of there so he could manipulate it in some way, or did he need Barry out of the Speedforce so he could use him? I'm liking it! I kept comparing it to the Supergirl premier--the acting, the storyline, etc etc. While I enjoy the Flash cast, ultimately I felt the Scooby gang's acting was superior this episode.
Funny thing: we kept comparing Supergirl season 1 to season 2 last year, saying how much greater the feeling was. Interesting note, I went back and watched season 1 episode 2 before this season's premier. And, I was shocked how much season 1 felt so....amateur. Not that it was bad, but you could really see how they hadn't quite found their solid footing, yet. And, it was funny how amateur Kara was at being a new superhero. Comparing her then to how she was on Monday? Showed me just HOW far the show has come--in production quality, special effects, chemistry between the actors.
Yeah loving the new tone. I wonder if the crazy things Barry said meant anything.
Meanwhile a very strong return from Legends as well.
Meanwhile a very strong return from Legends as well.
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