1. comic fan
  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl Season 6
  4. Tuesday, 09 November 2021
I though I would start this thread for the post mortem interviews for Supergirl and any discussions about the end of the series.

Supergirl Finale: Katie McGrath Breaks Down Lena's Emotional Scene With Kara — Plus, Jon Cryer Talks Lex's Fate

Supergirl’ Finale: Katie McGrath Reflects on Lena’s 5-Year Journey to Her Happy Ending
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How Supergirl's final season failed the Maid of Might


'Supergirl' Ending Explained: How the CW Show Said Farewell to the Girl of Steel
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 21
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comic fan

How Supergirl's final season failed the Maid of Might

First a big shout out to you comic fan, for all the good stuff that you have posted these past several years.:)
This article pretty much confirms what most of us knew after season 3. I will never understand why in the final season they didn't change course and focus totally on Melissa. I know that everyone had to sign off to what was going to air but when you have to many hands in the soup it will always come out sour. They would rather tie up the loose ends and kick supergirl to the curb. Season six was a disgrace but the cool aide crowd seemed to be okay with it. Now with this mess behind her, my hope is that her career skyrockets.

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Velvet Underground-Sweet Jane-Official Video
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 22
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comic fan

How Supergirl's final season failed the Maid of Might

First a big shout out to you comic fan, for all the good stuff that you have posted these past several years.:)
This article pretty much confirms what most of us knew after season 3. I will never understand why in the final season they didn't change course and focus totally on Melissa. I know that everyone had to sign off to what was going to air but when you have to many hands in the soup it will always come out sour. They would rather tie up the loose ends and kick supergirl to the curb. Season six was a disgrace but the cool aide crowd seemed to be okay with it. Now with this mess behind her, my hope is that her career skyrockets.

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Velvet Underground-Sweet Jane-Official Video

I thought it was also interesting in the Jay Faerbe video interview below that he revealed they stopped doing a outline for the season after season 4.Season 5 & 6 had no season outline.From my understanding,this is unusual.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 23
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SUPERGIRL: Interview with Nicole Maines

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 24
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comic fan wrote:

"I thought it was also interesting in the Jay Faerbe video interview below that he revealed they stopped doing a outline for the season after season 4.Season 5 & 6 had no season outline. From my understanding, this is unusual."


Yes indeed. But, from the pieces of info I've gathered over the years, the outlines stopped because during Season 3, when AK was dismissed, JQ and RR were required to take the helm of the project after Greg Berlanti and they had a huge conflab (this is why production was delayed a few weeks during S3) as to how to proceed from this point on.

From my understanding, AK had left enough residual material behind to carry through S3 and had an outline for S4 ready, which they used. S5 and S6 not having outlines makes sense since the showrunners either chose not to, couldn't/wouldn't make them, or they knew that the show was on the rocks at that point and they were out of their depth regarding making superhero shows.

Their primary task was to carry the show through to S5 and to deliver it up for COIE (...render unto Guggenheim) and merge the universes into one. They did that. Given the mess that S5 was, S6 was only really requested after Melissa and the brass agreed to close shop after the season by providing the actors with a swan song send off.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 25
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More and more it seems coming on the social media highway are BTS pics of Supergirl. From Andrew Suttar on Instagram comes this set of photos, starting with one that might shock Melissa Benoist fans...knowing how she loves dogs so much.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 26
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126 episodes and every one passed my personal test that determines if a TV show is entertaining to me. Were some episodes better than others absolutely but all kept me entertained and isn’t that what a show is super to do. Less than a handful of shows that lasted more than a season have had every episode in the series pass the test.

I’ve probably talked about it before but the test is pretty simple and I’ve been using it since before smart phones or even the internet existed. Does the show hold my attention or do I find myself reaching for whatever book I’m reading, my phone, starting to clean, basically anything but focusing on the show. Bonus points if I find myself rewinding or rewatching, I hardly ever rewatch a TV show or movie or reread a book. Also bonus points if I watch a TV show the day it airs. Supergirl got lot of bonus points. A show doesn’t need to pass the test for me to continue watching but the more distracted I get while watching the further it slips down the DVR priority until it drops off and I don’t watch anymore. If a new show really fails in its first few episodes the series is dropped.

For some in universe context I watch Flash and Batwoman and both shows have a good number of episodes that pass the test. I have found myself rewinding on both shows but I don’t rewatch episodes or watch the same day they air.

Superman as a character doesn’t resonate with me which is probably why I never understand the whole superhero thing before this show. I did really enjoy Tyler’s appearances on Supergirl and the crossovers as well as Bitsi’s Lois so I wanted to give the S&L a chance. I watched the first three episodes and 15 minutes in I was on my phone or reading my book. I even put my book and phone out of reach, something I don’t normally do, so I had to get up to get them. I put the distraction away rewound to where I left off and tried again but unfortunately S&L just doesn’t work for me.

I don’t know or care if my test means I drink the Cool Aid but it works for me. While it’s interesting to know some BTS stuff about what the EPs did or didn’t do that doesn’t matter to me. Heck this might be the first show I even know who the EPs were let alone that they changed.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 27
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Supergirl writer Jay Faerbe talks the final season of Supergirl.Gives a lot of insight into the making of a show from the writer's perspective and how decisions are made.Very fascinating interview.

Indeed, this is a pretty illuminating interview, although it does generously sidestep the 'queerbaiting' claim, which is perfectly understandable....because it's basically overblown. Supercorp shippers became co-opted by MAGAt trolls, resulting in a significant disruption and loss of the series overall social media presence (although Seasons 5 and 6 are also informed by COVID-19 production disruptions).

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 28
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126 episodes and every one passed my personal test that determines if a TV show is entertaining to me. Were some episodes better than others absolutely but all kept me entertained and isn’t that what a show is super to do. Less than a handful of shows that lasted more than a season have had every episode in the series pass the test.

I’ve probably talked about it before but the test is pretty simple and I’ve been using it since before smart phones or even the internet existed. Does the show hold my attention or do I find myself reaching for whatever book I’m reading, my phone, starting to clean, basically anything but focusing on the show. Bonus points if I find myself rewinding or rewatching, I hardly ever rewatch a TV show or movie or reread a book. Also bonus points if I watch a TV show the day it airs. Supergirl got lot of bonus points. A show doesn’t need to pass the test for me to continue watching but the more distracted I get while watching the further it slips down the DVR priority until it drops off and I don’t watch anymore. If a new show really fails in its first few episodes the series is dropped.

I don’t know or care if my test means I drink the Cool Aid but it works for me. While it’s interesting to know some BTS stuff about what the EPs did or didn’t do that doesn’t matter to me. Heck this might be the first show I even know who the EPs were let alone that they changed.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all

Thank you so much for sharing your testing of different shows. So it's safe to say that you have never ever taking your supergirl jammies off while testing the show.:)
I do believe that I'm going to miss your comments.;) Your test is much more involved then the way I've tested the show. Simply put I start off sober. Depending on how the show goes I either reach for the gin and vermouth or remain sober. If the show becomes to painful to watch I reach for the liquid morphine that I got my hands on. At that point I could watch paint dry.:o

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"

Eddie Cochran-Summertime Blues-1959-BETTER QUALITY (oldie but a goodie)

Velvet Underground-Sweet Jane-Official Video
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 29
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muckle9999 wrote:

..."Simply put I start off sober. Depending on how the show goes I either reach for the gin and vermouth or remain sober. If the show becomes too painful to watch I reach for the liquid morphine that I got my hands on. At that point I could watch paint dry...."


Such lofty, heady standards! Me, I just went for the Tylenol if it got too muzzy for my mind to absorb. ;)

Sorry, I've just gotta add that the whole quote is a mic drop-and-a-half right there! :D :D :D :D
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 30
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TVLine Is Thankful For: Longer Lasso, Supergirl's Finale Return, SNL Newbies, Marvel-ous TV, Diverse CBS and More

By Team TVLine / November 24 2021

Thanksgiving dinner might be imminent, but the real feast this year has been the sheer amount of television offered to us in the last 11 months. (And we don’t need to loosen our belts after binging!)

In the spirit of giving thanks this holiday season, Team TVLine has compiled the below list of television happenings for which we’re grateful in 2021, from a long-awaited Insecure reconciliation to a Saturday Night Live bit we’re still rewatching months later.

TVLine staff members Matt Mitovich, Kimberly Roots, Andy Swift, Dave Nemetz, Vlada Gelman, Rebecca Iannucci, Ryan Schwartz, Nick Caruso, Keisha Hatchett and Mekeisha Madden Toby have each singled out two things from this TV year that satisfied us. Gruff male characters getting in touch with their emotions? Sign us up. A steady stream of Jean Smart content? Yes, please. Even more dramatic antics from Bravo’s Real Housewives? Keep ’em coming.

Our gratitude also extends to Disney+’s reliable rollout of Marvel content, a Supergirl return we were eagerly anticipating, an animated Netflix series that’s must-see TV for musical theater geeks and much more.



I only wanted to see one person return for Supergirl’s final episode, and The CW really delivered! I loved Calista Flockhart’s Cat Grant and was sad to see her leave in Season 2. When she showed up for the finale, it felt like all was right in the world. And having her reveal — spoiler alert! — Supergirl’s identity to the world? Icing on the cake.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 31
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I enjoy a good cocktail as much as the next woman although I don’t like Gin, I’m more of a Vodka/Whiskey/Scotch and occasionally Tequila woman. A good cocktail can enhance viewing of a TV show but if a show is so painful to watch it requires a drink or gives me a headache requiring aspirin then I wouldn’t watch that show for any reason. Life is too short to watch or discuss a TV show that doesn’t entertain me.

muckle I might miss your comments too. In my head you like Don Draper, from Mad Men, if he were transported to the present time.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 32
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Heads up.I just posted a link to a new Chyler Leigh interview for tonight's Part IV of Armageddon in the Armageddon thread.But she also talks about the end of Supergirl.Here's the link.

Some interesting stuff.For example,she says the news Supergirl was ending came in a little late.


From Jesse Rath's instagram.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 33
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2021 in Review: The Stealthiest Castings and Very Coolest Cameos

By Team TVLine / December 8 2021,


We weren’t sure if Flockhart’s Cat Grant would show up for the series finale, since we had barely seen her following the media titan’s departure in Season 2. Much to our surprise, Cat came through for the finale and, in a full circle moment, introduced Kara to the world as Supergirl. A perfect send-off for both characters.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 34
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Meagan Tandy
The crossover no one expected.
Love you

#superman #batwoman #theflash #millionlittlethings #TeenWolf
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 35
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Azi was on Michael Rosenbaum's podcast.

wenting Pleading face

Azie said they redo S6 3 times, because of all the different reasons, and in her head she thought they wouldn't go ahead with her episode anymore. But she kept showing up at the writers' room, pitching ideas.


just listened to the podcast.Starting at the 57 minute mark.Azi reveals that due to COVID delays,Melissa's pregnancy and then finding out season 6 would be the final season,the show had to scrap the storylines for the entire season and start from scratch.So basically the season 6 we got was not what they had originally planned.They had to change everything aftyer they found out the show was ending.But they still kept their commitment to Azie to let her write a episode.It's why she joined the writters room.She also had to start from scratch.

But they scratched the whole season.They had to re-do everything because season 6 they were not planning to be the last season from the sound of it.

Would love to know what the original season 6 plans/storylines were.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 36
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I couldn’t find a link directly but has a link to Michael Rosenbaum's Inside of You podcast with Azie Tesfai where they discussed a wide range of topics- and in particular, what it was like writing the episode, being a part of the long-running Arrowverse series, and more.

As bleedingcool is want to do the headline is misleading when it references the “problem with Supergirl”. “Tesfai relays the "origin story" that led to her writing "Blind Spots;" the episode's message of empowerment by showing that even the best intentions on the meta's parts can contribute to a much bigger problem:” The problem the episode tackles is how superheroes with the best of intentions can contribute to the very problems they want to help with, the heroes have blind spots just like everyone does. And that IMO is how “Blind Spots” contributed to the season as a whole and Kara helping people become their own heroes instead of feeling she had to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 37
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The Best Arrowverse Moments of 2021

From Superman & Lois' premiere to a new Batwoman arriving, the Arrowverse was packed with memorable moments this year. Here are the best.


The CW's Arrowverse marked 2021 as a year with beginnings and endings as several fan-favorite series came to a close while others made their big debut or charted new directions within the shared television universe. From The Flash kicking off its eighth season with the "Armageddon" crossover event to Black Lightning and Supergirl taking their respective last bow, there were plenty of major moments that got audiences talking as DCTV clocked in another successful year of buzzworthy scenes and developments.

Here are the five biggest events to come to the Arrowverse across 2021 as the iconic DC heroes enjoyed new beginnings and epic finales as they continued to defend the shared television universe.

Supergirl Closes On A Hopeful, Loving Note

Supergirl has always been a show about seeking the truth, more specifically, seeking the truth in regards to love in all of its forms. This was made all the more evident by Supergirl's sixth and final season, with the first half of the season involving reunions between friends and family after Kara was stranded in the Phantom Zone while the second half saw Alex Danvers and Kelly Olsen build a family of their own.

This culminated in Supergirl's series finale that centered on Alex and Kelly's wedding while J'onn J'onzz and M'Gann prepare to take their romance to the next level. Amidst all the returning characters from seasons past, including a surprise reappearance by Cat Grant, the series concluded with its commitment to the truth as Kara publicly came clean about both sides of her identity to live a fuller life -- though some fans were vocally frustrated about where the finale left Kara's love life.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 38
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Hey there guys, we’ve been seeing the activity and the link share, we have other new info that might be fun, but we’ve been dormant for a while because we were so TIRED! The covid TV schedule was not kind on reviewers and we needed to rest and recover. That said, the shows are about to return and we are starting to wake from hibernation, hang with us, we’ll be back soon.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 39
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Staz Nair via Instagram: "I miss this wonderful bunch of heroes!"

I echo his sentiments.I so miss these characters.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 40
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