By now, if you are an active member in the Supergirl fandom community, you are undoubtedly aware that there is a lot going on with the Supergirl fan base. Division, attacks, collusion, planning, tweeting, posting, retaliation and so on. There is much that is dragging our fandom's reputation through the mud.
I want to give you a place where you all can come and discuss what is going on but I am going to set up some additional ground rules for this thread to help keep things more friendly because this could get out of hand very fast.
FIRST: There is a very easy tendency to make claims against certain groups that will generalize that group to a particular opinion. Please don't do this. For example: (Olicity "Oliver and Felicity shippers" all hate Laurel). That is clearly not true and no one could ever possibly know that. Its a sweeping generalization that causes those that are Olicity members who don't hate Laurel to become defensive. So please don't use sweeping generalizations in your observations.
SECOND: As much as possible, temper your emotions and take a moment to breathe before responding. We are discussing complex, difficult issues here. Issues that are reflected in the real world and have very real consequences. We are discussing topics here that have deep personal connections to a wide variety of people. You'll never know if your comment, however innocent you may feel it is, actually affects someone on the other side of the screen. So let's take a moment to note that these issues are very VERY complex and require care when brought up in conversation. Breathe and above all, be respectful.
FINALLY: My scrutiny meter on these posts is going to be at a maximum on this. If I feel, for whatever reason, that a post is in anyway hurtful, derogatory or attacking I am just going to delete it. I'll start tossing posts like Kobe hits three pointers (I'm not a basketball guy I have no idea if that analogy makes sense).
ADDITIONAL: (1) when speaking of LGBT+ to not make general assumptions about the community, especially for those not a part of it and (2) users who aren't LGBT+ should avoid speaking on behalf of the community.
Please be respectful and uphold the reputation of this site as a bright spot in the Supergirl fan community.
- Admin
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Friday, 14 July 2017
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
A lot of of sentiment against Mon-El tends to ignore his negative traits are deliberately there because his is a redemption story.
Not to mention he is actually surprising very respectful and secret altruistic to begin with if one was to pay attention.
Not to mention he is actually surprising very respectful and secret altruistic to begin with if one was to pay attention.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
The PTB gets far more information that is far less emotional, biased and confrontational and then they make their decisions. To put numbers, percentages etc as to how many love or hate this or that character is a shout in an echo chamber at best and naive at the least. The CEO has given the answer some like it, some dont, but the decision has been made. Time to move on.
Profile Pic by
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
Ugh, Pedowitz annoys me, there's been MANY articles detailing how Mon-el is bringing down the show, plus the majority of the fandom hates the character but he's choosing to ignore this for some reason.
Just as I have asked that no one make broad generalizations about fandom groups like Supercorp or Karamel, or communities like the LGBTQ+, I will also ask you not to make broad sweeping statements about the Supergirl fandom as a whole.
As I've said before, there are the folks who are passionate enough about the show and aspects of it to be vocal. There are authors who write articles too (as you said), but I think the proof is in the pudding. I said earlier in this thread that The CW, or any network for that matter isn't going to make changes to their products (and that is was Supergirl is, a product to sell advertisements) without getting the metrics and data to back it up.
We don't work at The CW, Warner Brothers, or DC Comics and because of that no one has access to the giant information gathering algorithms that they do. Supegirl is a business and if Mon-El was truly a deal breaker for the show, then they wouldn't have brought him back. No one is going to have more access to that kind of information than Pedowitz, so that said I think the majority of silent fans, (which I have to assume out weighs vocal fans), enjoy Mon-El's character and that is why he's back.
I agree with some parts of what you said. We shouldn't make broad judgements about the fandom. I do think, however, like you said there are large nonvocal groups that like Monel there were also be an equal group of nonvocal fans that don't like him. I think it's probably about 50/50 on who like and doesn't like. That's just my opinion.
I'm not sure I agree about the numbers being high for the Monel character that's why the CW keeps him. Many CW reps have said many times how they love Chris Wood. And to be honest any press is good press so even with people hating Monel it's still getting them publicity. The CW wins either way. Advertisers just want to sell stuff they don't care about how. Just my opinion.
All good points. So good in fact that I think we've hit on a new realization. Whether fans like or dislike Mon-El is irrelevant because in the end, the viewers are there to hate him as well as the viewers are there to love him. If it doesn't hurt advertisement sales, then we all are going to get more Supergirl for many seasons to come. (also this is the 300th comment on this topic) WOW!
Definitely true. I was a librarian for over 20 years and I can tell you the fastest way to get a book read, is to call it a banned book or give it a bad review. People love to watch a car wreck just as much as a good story. It's sad but true. Doesn't matter if it's a book, tv show or movie.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
Ugh, Pedowitz annoys me, there's been MANY articles detailing how Mon-el is bringing down the show, plus the majority of the fandom hates the character but he's choosing to ignore this for some reason.
Just as I have asked that no one make broad generalizations about fandom groups like Supercorp or Karamel, or communities like the LGBTQ+, I will also ask you not to make broad sweeping statements about the Supergirl fandom as a whole.
As I've said before, there are the folks who are passionate enough about the show and aspects of it to be vocal. There are authors who write articles too (as you said), but I think the proof is in the pudding. I said earlier in this thread that The CW, or any network for that matter isn't going to make changes to their products (and that is was Supergirl is, a product to sell advertisements) without getting the metrics and data to back it up.
We don't work at The CW, Warner Brothers, or DC Comics and because of that no one has access to the giant information gathering algorithms that they do. Supegirl is a business and if Mon-El was truly a deal breaker for the show, then they wouldn't have brought him back. No one is going to have more access to that kind of information than Pedowitz, so that said I think the majority of silent fans, (which I have to assume out weighs vocal fans), enjoy Mon-El's character and that is why he's back.
I agree with some parts of what you said. We shouldn't make broad judgements about the fandom. I do think, however, like you said there are large nonvocal groups that like Monel there were also be an equal group of nonvocal fans that don't like him. I think it's probably about 50/50 on who like and doesn't like. That's just my opinion.
I'm not sure I agree about the numbers being high for the Monel character that's why the CW keeps him. Many CW reps have said many times how they love Chris Wood. And to be honest any press is good press so even with people hating Monel it's still getting them publicity. The CW wins either way. Advertisers just want to sell stuff they don't care about how. Just my opinion.
All good points. So good in fact that I think we've hit on a new realization. Whether fans like or dislike Mon-El is irrelevant because in the end, the viewers are there to hate him as well as the viewers are there to love him. If it doesn't hurt advertisement sales, then we all are going to get more Supergirl for many seasons to come. (also this is the 300th comment on this topic) WOW!
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
Ugh, Pedowitz annoys me, there's been MANY articles detailing how Mon-el is bringing down the show, plus the majority of the fandom hates the character but he's choosing to ignore this for some reason.
Just as I have asked that no one make broad generalizations about fandom groups like Supercorp or Karamel, or communities like the LGBTQ+, I will also ask you not to make broad sweeping statements about the Supergirl fandom as a whole.
As I've said before, there are the folks who are passionate enough about the show and aspects of it to be vocal. There are authors who write articles too (as you said), but I think the proof is in the pudding. I said earlier in this thread that The CW, or any network for that matter isn't going to make changes to their products (and that is was Supergirl is, a product to sell advertisements) without getting the metrics and data to back it up.
We don't work at The CW, Warner Brothers, or DC Comics and because of that no one has access to the giant information gathering algorithms that they do. Supegirl is a business and if Mon-El was truly a deal breaker for the show, then they wouldn't have brought him back. No one is going to have more access to that kind of information than Pedowitz, so that said I think the majority of silent fans, (which I have to assume out weighs vocal fans), enjoy Mon-El's character and that is why he's back.
I agree with some parts of what you said. We shouldn't make broad judgements about the fandom. I do think, however, like you said there are large nonvocal groups that like Monel there were also be an equal group of nonvocal fans that don't like him. I think it's probably about 50/50 on who like and doesn't like. That's just my opinion.
I'm not sure I agree about the numbers being high for the Monel character that's why the CW keeps him. Many CW reps have said many times how they love Chris Wood. And to be honest any press is good press so even with people hating Monel it's still getting them publicity. The CW wins either way. Advertisers just want to sell stuff they don't care about how. Just my opinion.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
Ugh, Pedowitz annoys me, there's been MANY articles detailing how Mon-el is bringing down the show, plus the majority of the fandom hates the character but he's choosing to ignore this for some reason.
Just as I have asked that no one make broad generalizations about fandom groups like Supercorp or Karamel, or communities like the LGBTQ+, I will also ask you not to make broad sweeping statements about the Supergirl fandom as a whole.
As I've said before, there are the folks who are passionate enough about the show and aspects of it to be vocal. There are authors who write articles too (as you said), but I think the proof is in the pudding. I said earlier in this thread that The CW, or any network for that matter isn't going to make changes to their products (and that is was Supergirl is, a product to sell advertisements) without getting the metrics and data to back it up.
We don't work at The CW, Warner Brothers, or DC Comics and because of that no one has access to the giant information gathering algorithms that they do. Supegirl is a business and if Mon-El was truly a deal breaker for the show, then they wouldn't have brought him back. No one is going to have more access to that kind of information than Pedowitz, so that said I think the majority of silent fans, (which I have to assume out weighs vocal fans), enjoy Mon-El's character and that is why he's back.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
My question to all is are there really that many fans who dislike Mon-El or are they just very vocal? Personally, I enjoy him. I think there is a great on-screen chemistry between Kara and Min-El. I believe t hat the EPs made a mistake in rushing the romance. They could have let develop over two seasons. That may have allayed angry fans.
I think it is both. The vocal ones really dont like what the writers did to both his and Kara's characters especially with regards to the romantic relationship. If the romantic part had been pushed off after he moved passed being a jerk (so he was not activly being a jerk to his girlfriend who we like) it might not have been as big a thing.
I have seen though a number of sites that do episode / season / character / write ups and re caps mention a lot of their issues with the writing of the character as well as the season (mostly the second half). So I do think there are a good number who did not like his character from the perspecive of how he was written as well as how he seemed to become the focus of the show and Kara / Supergirl was was relagated to a prop for him. Most of these that I have read actually either totally skip any other ship dicussion or mention it just in passing (ie: dropped the POC for a slave owner, liked supercat but that wont happen, liked supercorp but that wont happen, etc). So it is not just vocal shippers although that is for sure out there.
If you want to explore what their issues were outside of the ship wars just google something like supergirl's mon-el problem and you will find a bunch of them.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
the majority of the fandom hates the character.
says you. Baseless claims like this are silly to make. the internet fan echo chambers are far smaller than you believe. to believe otherwise would be foolish.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
My question to all is are there really that many fans who dislike Mon-El or are they just very vocal? Personally, I enjoy him. I think there is a great on-screen chemistry between Kara and Min-El. I believe t hat the EPs made a mistake in rushing the romance. They could have let develop over two seasons. That may have allayed angry fans.
If i may, i believe it is a combination of both. The dislikers of his character are many and are yes, quite vocal. It is just unfortunate that their voices are drowned out when the few irresponsible people, take things far too far. Of course this can be said of any fandom and it does depend on the SM platform
If they had kept their relationship as the mentor and student rather than a romantic one, then i won't lie i could have eventually gotten on board with them had they eventually gone romantic. As things are it doesn't work. I guess one silver lining of this is that in terms of an "endgame relationship" the way Karamel has been written and portrayed says to me that they won't be that.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
My question to all is are there really that many fans who dislike Mon-El or are they just very vocal? Personally, I enjoy him. I think there is a great on-screen chemistry between Kara and Min-El. I believe t hat the EPs made a mistake in rushing the romance. They could have let develop over two seasons. That may have allayed angry fans.
A journey of 1,000 KM, begins with one step.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
Ugh, Pedowitz annoys me, there's been MANY articles detailing how Mon-el is bringing down the show, plus the majority of the fandom hates the character but he's choosing to ignore this for some reason.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
Well, it was inevitable that the CW suits would have to get involved with the craziness that is the fandom, especially over Kara and Mon-El
TV Line reports network President Mark Pedowitz chimed in at the Television Critics Association summer press tour.
TV Line reports network President Mark Pedowitz chimed in at the Television Critics Association summer press tour.
After network chief Mark Pedowitz alluded to MIA Mon-El’s possible return at some point in Season 3, the TCA member who had asked him the question at hand opined, “Nobody wants that.” To which the network boss promptly replied with a smile, “I think some people would disagree with you on that.”
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
Not to mention that Mary Sue is one of biggest instigators of this. She has shown time and time again she is part of the toxic side of SC. She should be ashamed of her behavior all year. Her articles been one sided and truly despicable to read.
The two articles are just two sides of the same coin....both are the extremes within their genre of click bait editorializing....
I'm really ready to just move on and enjoy the 3rd season.
I don't know much about this particular writer for Mary Sue but the Season 2 recapper is far from Supercorp and unfair. She's actually very fair to all the characters and relationships on the show, which frustrates many of those who comment and focus on negativity and character bashing.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
The two articles are just two sides of the same coin....both are the extremes within their genre of click bait editorializing....
I'm really ready to just move on and enjoy the 3rd season.
I'm really ready to just move on and enjoy the 3rd season.
Profile Pic by
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
Doc, first off welcome aboard here.
Second, this fandom fracas has now hit the mainstream press...if one cares to call The Daily Caller mainstream. At least I do. This is a news website founded by Tucker Carlson who now hosts his own show on...dare I say it here...Fox News weeknights at 8:00PM. I found this on their twiiter feed...
Feminists Riot Over Supergirl Actor’s Joke
The meat of this article focuses on a leftist website The Mary Sue
The Daily Caller also reports...
NOTE--edited out one curse word.
Second, this fandom fracas has now hit the mainstream press...if one cares to call The Daily Caller mainstream. At least I do. This is a news website founded by Tucker Carlson who now hosts his own show on...dare I say it here...Fox News weeknights at 8:00PM. I found this on their twiiter feed...
Feminists Riot Over Supergirl Actor’s Joke
The meat of this article focuses on a leftist website The Mary Sue
Actor Jeremy Jordan had other plans, and sang a song about how Kara and Lena are only friends and nothing more to riff on the “Supercorp” relationship. “They’re only friends! They’re not gonna get together! They’re only friends!”
Feminist vertical The Mary Sue took their offense at Jordan’s joke to the next level, claiming that his decision to make light of the “relationship” displays a “fundamental misunderstanding of why shipping is so important to LGBTQIA fans.”
Writing for the site, Vivian Kane says that representation of such minorities is “severely lacking on television” and that it’s important for fans to be able to dream up queer relationships between otherwise heterosexual characters to make up for it.
“And the very last thing those fans need is to be laughed at by someone on the show,” she says.
The Daily Caller also reports...
It’s an argument falls flat when one considers the fact that Supergirl is by and large one of the most progressive TV shows currently on TV, alongside Wynonna Earp and Orphan Black.
Responding to the backlash, Jeremy Jordan took to Instagram to state that there was nothing homophobic about his song, which was not intended as a putdown of the LGBTQ community. In his message, the actor also called out a “select few people” for trying to “find hidden meanings in silly jokes.”
“Yes, fight for what you believe with all your heart, but understand that we are all human. And we all deserve respect,” wrote Jordan. “That being said, I know now that I made some of you feel pretty s*****, and I’m really sorry for that. I think you can guess you’ve succeeded in making me feel the same. The difference, however, is mine is unintentional. So enough with the hate. Let us live our lives with love (and humor). We are all super.”
His message caused his detractors to double down, prompting him to make a second apology, in which he wishes he could “go back in time” to redo the whole segment with MTV with a promise to do better next time.
NOTE--edited out one curse word.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
My two cents on this issue: i recognize as a straight man that my opinion might not be as important as others but as it is the reaction of the fandom has kinda gotten ridiculous at this point. Now i love Supergirl and up until Comic-Con i did ship Supercorp but not for the typical "guy reasons" you would expect. I loved the dynamic and the storytelling opportunities the pairing could've had.
Getting back to Comic-Con, was the cast out of line on a significant level? Absolutely. Should they have apologized? Yes and Jeremy did, as for Melissa seemingly brushing it under the carpet, i view it as a situation that someone i talked to described it as "d@mned if you do, d@mned if you don't."
Now as for the fan reaction, i do think some things that the fans have decided to do make sense, even if i personally won't participate, i.e deliberately not watching the season premiere to send a message to the showrunners. What i don't agree with however is the WITCH HUNT that certain parts of the fandom seem determined to take part in. For example, seemingly deciding that Melissa, Jeremy, Mechad, Chris, David etc are homophobic because of one stupid incident when their ally-dom has been well documented. Because of this, i have no sympathy for the people who get blocked by them for the vitriol they spew against the cast.
Also the rise of Reigncorp as it is being called, is just petty af.
I could go on but i'm tired after getting that off my chest. Also hi, first post here. I tried to be as polite as possible so i hope i didn't break any rules
Getting back to Comic-Con, was the cast out of line on a significant level? Absolutely. Should they have apologized? Yes and Jeremy did, as for Melissa seemingly brushing it under the carpet, i view it as a situation that someone i talked to described it as "d@mned if you do, d@mned if you don't."
Now as for the fan reaction, i do think some things that the fans have decided to do make sense, even if i personally won't participate, i.e deliberately not watching the season premiere to send a message to the showrunners. What i don't agree with however is the WITCH HUNT that certain parts of the fandom seem determined to take part in. For example, seemingly deciding that Melissa, Jeremy, Mechad, Chris, David etc are homophobic because of one stupid incident when their ally-dom has been well documented. Because of this, i have no sympathy for the people who get blocked by them for the vitriol they spew against the cast.
Also the rise of Reigncorp as it is being called, is just petty af.
I could go on but i'm tired after getting that off my chest. Also hi, first post here. I tried to be as polite as possible so i hope i didn't break any rules

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 18
I mean granted, I do like Mon-El XD
But, as in like how a normal person sees a character on TV and goes, I like that one. Not in the toxic, shipping, kind of way.
But, as in like how a normal person sees a character on TV and goes, I like that one. Not in the toxic, shipping, kind of way.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 19
"Don't generalize"
"Y'all all love Mon-El"
It's one of the most annoying things that I feel some people try to turn it into a situation where people MUST agree that Mon-El is the devil himself otherwise the alternative is you must blindly love him.
I think there are a lot of people who casually rather than deeply, viscerally don't like Mon-El, or are indifferent to him or think he's just so-so.
But this way, people get thrown into the Mon-El lover camp just for not agreeing with all of the accusations agianst him.
I'm pretty sure in a world where everybody loved Mon-El, I'd be considered a hater for how I view him and talk about him.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 20
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