I was hoping for a great episode tonight but it got sidetracked early with the political pandering. I do not watch the DC shows for political viewpoints. We had negativity towards business people and "the wealthy", claims pro to Global Warming, praising Gibbs as PS, claiming the Speaker lies, etc... It is unfortunate. None of these were necessary to really telling the story of the episode. Edge could have been portrayed as just pushy and obnoxious without the political bias who also plotted the destruction of the city. Cat could have easily referenced other less controversial/ inflammatory topics proving she was "tough". No need to mention Gibbs because they are on an alternate Earth and half of the country does NOT think he was all that great... and on and on .
The writers/producers should be paying attention to how the ratings of ESPN, the NFL, the network news and the late night "comedy" shows are all tanking.
It is not smart business to alienate half of your potential viewing audience. Tell the story with out the politics. If I want politics at 8 pm on a Monday night, there are plenty of other options and I can skip watching what was one of my favorite shows ever in its first season. (Still waiting for the magic of the pilot, RT and the black mercy episodes to return).
- jdbop
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Monday, 09 October 2017
Actually, the comment Cat was making about there not being a a listening device in the microwave or in his shoe, was making reference to President Trump stating that Trump Towers had been wire tapped. He got skewered in the main stream media for that. And, the episode would have most likely been written about the time that that was in the news. However, as of late, it's been revealed in senate hearings with top Obama officials that, Trump officials were, indeed tapped. And, just so happens when they were tapped...guess where they were located? Sooooo.....
I actually found her comments funny....No, Mr. Speaker, there was no listening device planted in your microwave or your shoe.... lol The way they write Cat never offends because she dishes it out to everyone.
Funny note about Climate Change....I was just teaching my AP Art History class about Egyptian art--more specifically, Hatshepsut's Temple-- the female pharaoh that stole the throne from her young stepson. Anyway, the video we were watching stated that thousands of years ago, the region was once characterized by lush gardens and trees. The kids all suddenly asked why is it now all dessert. To which I simply smiled and asked, "See how climate change works?" The kids all looked confused, "But the gardens and trees have been LONG gone, EARL." Me? "Hmmmm maybe there's much more you need to ponder about 'climate change'?" In other words, I'm not a teacher who believes in indoctrinating my students in one belief or another. P.S....questioning climate change doesn't make one a denier. Its what science is suppose to do, I thought--always question. I still find too many scientists who are unsure themselves of its origins and actual effects. So, I still ponder it. and no, Bill Nye is not actually a science guy. He has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering.
Not trying to start a debate. We've beaten the political dead horse to death over the past few months on here. For me, for this show...I've decided to overlook it. I kind of thought the cast would refrain from attacking individuals and issues after THEY were attacked for misconstrued intentions and comments back at comic con. But, I'm done with jumping in with the division. I'm down with accepting people will always have differing opinions, and that's alright with me.
I actually found her comments funny....No, Mr. Speaker, there was no listening device planted in your microwave or your shoe.... lol The way they write Cat never offends because she dishes it out to everyone.
Funny note about Climate Change....I was just teaching my AP Art History class about Egyptian art--more specifically, Hatshepsut's Temple-- the female pharaoh that stole the throne from her young stepson. Anyway, the video we were watching stated that thousands of years ago, the region was once characterized by lush gardens and trees. The kids all suddenly asked why is it now all dessert. To which I simply smiled and asked, "See how climate change works?" The kids all looked confused, "But the gardens and trees have been LONG gone, EARL." Me? "Hmmmm maybe there's much more you need to ponder about 'climate change'?" In other words, I'm not a teacher who believes in indoctrinating my students in one belief or another. P.S....questioning climate change doesn't make one a denier. Its what science is suppose to do, I thought--always question. I still find too many scientists who are unsure themselves of its origins and actual effects. So, I still ponder it. and no, Bill Nye is not actually a science guy. He has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering.

Not trying to start a debate. We've beaten the political dead horse to death over the past few months on here. For me, for this show...I've decided to overlook it. I kind of thought the cast would refrain from attacking individuals and issues after THEY were attacked for misconstrued intentions and comments back at comic con. But, I'm done with jumping in with the division. I'm down with accepting people will always have differing opinions, and that's alright with me.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
By ABC's own admission trying to dodge their decision, the spokesperson said they "couldn't find room for it in their line up". It was the third highest rated show on the network - and they couldn't find room for it? That is either a lie or incompetence on their part. I will bet any new show they put in its spot will not come close to the viewership Last Man Standing had. It was apolitical decision. Do not forget that Disney own ABC and ESPN. You can see the common thread in their behavior and editorial nature. ...
Anyway I just want good superhero hero action and Kara to save the world.
Anyway I just want good superhero hero action and Kara to save the world.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
Which is why I am starting to offer political penalties...and the thing about Gibbs who was stupid as Obama's P-S and global warming, you are attacking the sun, Miss Grant.
No penalty however saying about the speaker being a liar implying Paul Ryan on assumption. I am not a fan of his let's say that.
So penalties given for Gibbs and global warming (-1 each)
So that's 2 political penalty points this week, with the action and emotion making up for it...and the effects as well. But I can guarantee you on episode three, those penalties will be even higher.
if by elites you mean George Soros and Bill Gates, i'm fine with that. They want to see humanity suffer. Then again it's an old song and must be barred from the playlists if you will.
You and I talked about this Robert Anthony, thanks for not shouting. If you get to assign "penalty" points then I get to assign "resist" points as a counter. I give plus one "resist" point for saying that Cat put her shares of Cat Co in a blind trust when she took the press secretary job. I'm also going to assign one point for saying the President believes in global warming.
Saying anything but what she did the way she did would have been completely out of character. Cat has been an outspoken liberal from episode one, try to think of it as the character and not a jab at anyone in real life.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
Which is why I am starting to offer political penalties...and the thing about Gibbs who was stupid as Obama's P-S and global warming, you are attacking the sun, Miss Grant.
No penalty however saying about the speaker being a liar implying Paul Ryan on assumption. I am not a fan of his let's say that.
So penalties given for Gibbs and global warming (-1 each)
So that's 2 political penalty points this week, with the action and emotion making up for it...and the effects as well. But I can guarantee you on episode three, those penalties will be even higher.
if by elites you mean George Soros and Bill Gates, i'm fine with that. They want to see humanity suffer. Then again it's an old song and must be barred from the playlists if you will.
No penalty however saying about the speaker being a liar implying Paul Ryan on assumption. I am not a fan of his let's say that.
So penalties given for Gibbs and global warming (-1 each)
So that's 2 political penalty points this week, with the action and emotion making up for it...and the effects as well. But I can guarantee you on episode three, those penalties will be even higher.
if by elites you mean George Soros and Bill Gates, i'm fine with that. They want to see humanity suffer. Then again it's an old song and must be barred from the playlists if you will.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
I wonder what the reaction would be if the rhetoric was reversed... "anyone who believes in Global Warming is an idiot!", "Tony Snow was the best press secretary".... and the like.... oh wait we already know. ABC cancelled Last Man Standing, one of its very highest rated shows because it leans to the right.
As much as I love this show, those first few minutes bothered me. Drop the politics.
Last Man Standing was cancelled because the network didn't own the show, and they were trying to reduce the licensing fees they had to pay out on their shows (Same reason Supergirl moved to CW, where it wouldn't need to pay a licensing fee). They also decided to stop having comedies on Fridays. Lastly, the show would have been going into year 7, which meant everyone's contracts would have been up for renegotiation, which is usually a very costly process.
I can understand the thought that the show was cancelled because if it's right leaning views. But if they were gonna cancel it for that reason, they would have cancelled it MUCH sooner, as it always leaned to the right, and was unapologetic about it. Especially now that Republicans are in power. Cancelling it for it's political stance would have made no sense.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
I wonder what the reaction would be if the rhetoric was reversed... "anyone who believes in Global Warming is an idiot!", "Tony Snow was the best press secretary".... and the like.... oh wait we already know. ABC cancelled Last Man Standing, one of its very highest rated shows because it leans to the right.
As much as I love this show, those first few minutes bothered me. Drop the politics.
As much as I love this show, those first few minutes bothered me. Drop the politics.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
I agree that it didn't help the story. But it was Cat.
1) Cat has ALWAYS been outspoken. From the start. There is nothing politically correct about her. As a character, she says what she believes, with no apologies.
2) Of course the creators are going to use this as a platform. I agree with most of what they say, even if I don't always agree with how they go about it. And notice...they didn't say anything about republicans, or the right, or name Trump. They simply mocked climate change deniers. What viewers infer from that regarding our current administration is up to them.
Yeah, it didn't really serve the plot, other than to establish what Cat is doing at this point in time. But I gotta be honest, if I was in their shoes, I would probably be using a few seconds per episode to put my viewpoint out there. And really, that's all it was. A few seconds from the show's most outspoken character.
And seriously, if the producers or directors, or studio had any problem with it, they would have said to cut or change it. But clearly it didn't bother them.
The simple statistics are that the vast majority of people acting, today, are going to be liberal. Whether it's because of the way they were brought up or the community they work in. So it's not surprising to see that slant. Again, I mostly agree with the message, I just don't always think they go about it the best way.
But come on...political commentary has been in successful entertainment for decades. To say otherwise is ignorant. For example, I can't stop laughing at people who are upset at the new Star Trek series emphasis on diversity. I mean...come on. That franchise has dealt with cultural diversity from the start. And the original series, as well as The Next Generation, became famous for broaching real cultural and political issues, set in a sci fi environment.
I got a little off track. My point is that entertainment has always broached the topic of political issues. It's nothing new. And if you're mad at that, then you gotta be mad at the comics, too, because DC and Marvel have used their books for social commentary for decades. Maybe Marvel more than DC.
I guess the best thing I can say is this. You make your vote by deciding whether or not to tune in. That's your choice. I personally will not be ditching Supergirl, or any of the CW DC tv shows any time soon.
1) Cat has ALWAYS been outspoken. From the start. There is nothing politically correct about her. As a character, she says what she believes, with no apologies.
2) Of course the creators are going to use this as a platform. I agree with most of what they say, even if I don't always agree with how they go about it. And notice...they didn't say anything about republicans, or the right, or name Trump. They simply mocked climate change deniers. What viewers infer from that regarding our current administration is up to them.
Yeah, it didn't really serve the plot, other than to establish what Cat is doing at this point in time. But I gotta be honest, if I was in their shoes, I would probably be using a few seconds per episode to put my viewpoint out there. And really, that's all it was. A few seconds from the show's most outspoken character.
And seriously, if the producers or directors, or studio had any problem with it, they would have said to cut or change it. But clearly it didn't bother them.
The simple statistics are that the vast majority of people acting, today, are going to be liberal. Whether it's because of the way they were brought up or the community they work in. So it's not surprising to see that slant. Again, I mostly agree with the message, I just don't always think they go about it the best way.
But come on...political commentary has been in successful entertainment for decades. To say otherwise is ignorant. For example, I can't stop laughing at people who are upset at the new Star Trek series emphasis on diversity. I mean...come on. That franchise has dealt with cultural diversity from the start. And the original series, as well as The Next Generation, became famous for broaching real cultural and political issues, set in a sci fi environment.
I got a little off track. My point is that entertainment has always broached the topic of political issues. It's nothing new. And if you're mad at that, then you gotta be mad at the comics, too, because DC and Marvel have used their books for social commentary for decades. Maybe Marvel more than DC.
I guess the best thing I can say is this. You make your vote by deciding whether or not to tune in. That's your choice. I personally will not be ditching Supergirl, or any of the CW DC tv shows any time soon.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
I agree with most of the sentiment portrayed but indeed no other show does this.
And sometimes it feels like they are saying the right thing but not for the right reason (for example to attack Republicans, not because they care about the climate)
And sometimes it feels like they are saying the right thing but not for the right reason (for example to attack Republicans, not because they care about the climate)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
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